Friday, May 22, 2020

The Power Of The Praying Parent - 1595 Words

Justine Clarke | April 10, 2017 The Power of the Praying Parent Saint Augustine’s Praise Song to His Mother Choose you this day whom ye will serve;... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. - Josh 24:2, Around the year 354 in Tagaste, arose a child who fulfilled the prophecy in his name’s meaning and grew to become â€Å"great, and venerable†. The child, later regarded by theologists as the â€Å"Doctor of the Church† was Saint Augustine of Hippo. In his book, â€Å"The Confessions,† Saint Augustine recounts his spiritual journey to becoming a devout Christian. The purpose of his narrative is to convey that throughout his challenging journey, one specific spiritual figure remained a constant, his mother Saint Monica of Hippo. Although†¦show more content†¦(Augustine, Confess. 1.2) During his spiritual journey, Augustine’s path to enlightenment is hindered by sinful obstacles when he seeks for â€Å"pleasures, sublimities... and [falls] headlong into sorrows, confusions, errors.† (Confess. 1.31) He realizes that because of the weak and sinful nature of man, humans can not hope to find salvation without God s assistance and â€Å"faithful mercy†. (Augustine, Confess. 3.5) Augustine views his prayerful mother as this assistance. Monica prays in order to prevent harm from coming to Augustine while ignorant to the truth of salvation. Her pious and gentle ways guide Augustine away from his secular lifestyle with â€Å"wrong notions of God† and towards a lifestyle more pleasing to God. It is Monica’s fervent prayers, that leads Augustine to salvation and later fuels his dedication to the church. Moreover, in the process of interceding, Monica lets an important opportunity to save and and baptized Augustine slip away. He falls ill at a young age, and begs to be baptised, in case the illness became worse. Monica denies him because she â€Å"foresees; that the defilements of sin would, after that washing, bring...more perilous guilt.† (Augustine, Confess. 1.17) Although this is the only time Monica lets the opportunity slip away, Augustine laments over her decision to â€Å"let him alone, and let him do as he will†Show MoreRelatedReflection Paper on Parenting Principles1712 Words   |  7 PagesArts in Education Dr. Teody M. Pajaron Dr. Evelyn R. Pajaron ES621: Parenting, Schools and Achievement International Graduate School of Leadership Quezon City, Philippines Submitted June 30, 2012 â€Å"What makes an effective parent?† â€Å"How can one be effective in his or her parenting?† Answers to these questions are very much needed by a father or a mother who truly loves his or her children and has deep concern for them. 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