Saturday, May 9, 2020

Hamlet Effects Of Revenge On Characters And Society

Hamlet: Effects of Revenge on Characters and Society Revenge can be termed as an action of hurting or harming someone in return for an injury or wrong suffered at his or her hands. Revenging is known to cause more harm to both the parties involved. Different literature works has widely used revenge to show impact of a conflict and to institute drama. Shakespeare is one of the famous authors who have utilized revenge in their literature works to make his audience ground to following his works. In this paper, we are going to look at the effects of revenge in Hamlet and the effects it has on the characters and the society. Hamlet is a play plotted on revenge, a number of characters try to lure their foes into death or misery in what†¦show more content†¦This plot creates a prolonged conflict that becomes the foundation of the play. In one attempt in trying to make the king admit his wrongdoing, he stages a play where actors play out his father’s death in front of King Claudius. The king is traumatized and the reaction he gives confirms he is guilty of the murder. Therefore, revenge is an element that creates conflict and decisions in the society. Revenge leads to recklessness and losses of lives in a society. Hamlet despite learning of his father’s death in early stages of the play he fails to act swiftly in avenging it. Consequently, other people die because of the failed revenge. Such deaths include Polonius, Ophelia Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Jamieson, 1). On the contrary, Laertes upon learning of his father’s murder, he reacts swiftly and recklessly. He threatens the king that he will overthrow him if he does not describe how Polonius was killed. Laertes upon learning that Hamlet is the killer swears that he will take revenge. He swears, â€Å"Only I’ll be revenged most thoroughly for my father† (Hamlet, IV, V, 133-134). Laertes and King Claudius make a deal to exterminate Hamlet. Eventually this plans backfires and leads to their own death. Therefore, revenge is seen to make characters behave irrationally and this leads to deaths of other characters. Irrational actions may lead to haste or excessive contemplations thatShow MoreRelatedA Traditional Revenge Tragedy Approach To Hamlet759 Words   |  4 PagesA Traditional Revenge Tragedy approach involves the drama of a character seeking revenge for an injury or caused by another character (Reedy). In the play of Hamlet, this approach can easily be seen in the character Hamlet’s plot to â€Å"remember† his father. After his father’s death, Hamlet spends the whole play concocting a plan to avenge his father. He develops a play to bring guilt to his father’s murderer and to convince the royal subjects of their king’s foul sin. 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