Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Impact of climate change on Woolworths-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Examine about the Impact of Climate Change on Woolworths. Answer: Effect of environmental change on Woolworths Natural issue is one of the prime worries the world over in the current situation. Atmosphere is changing quickly and it is influencing each substance on the planet (Collins et al. 2013). Business associations have conflicting relations with the climatic changes. Associations are straightforwardly or by implication contributing in creating contaminations which lead to the climatic change. Notwithstanding, this adjustment in the atmosphere is antagonistically influencing their business too. This article will talk about the effect of atmosphere changes in the business from the point of view of Woolworths (Berkhout 2012). Likewise, the degree to which Woolworths is contributing in the environmental change will likewise be talked about. Their present strategies to counter this issue will be talked about in this article. Woolworths is a general store brand situated in Australia (Woolworths Online, 2017). They alongside Coles are having lion's share of the piece of the overall industry in the Australian districts. They for the most part manage basic food item items alongside different writing material things (Woolworths Online, 2017). Present condition of Woolworths is great for their activities yet the future business may get influenced because of quick climatic changes. Natural changes can influence their gracefully chain of products of the soil. Laws and guidelines in Australia are likewise getting stricter. Woolworths should conform to every one of these laws for their operational offices. Carbon discharge is another ecological issue for them (Allwood et al. 2012). Woolworths is taking a shot at different activities to check their carbon emanation. Climatic changes will likewise impacts on their business strategies. Utilization of non-renewable energy sources in the transportation of their provisi ons will likewise get influenced because of absence of accessibility of non-sustainable fills later on (Hook and tang 2013). They have taken different activities to manage these likely issues. Woolworths consistently attempt to conform to the present social condition in the Australian locales. They have acquainted diverse most recent ideas with satisfy the changed taste and inclination example of the clients and offering them an entirely different shopping experience. They have additionally distinguished that, current desire for the clients is to have accessibility of different items across differentiated value ranges. Therefore, Woolworths offers items at the most reduced potential costs to coordinate the reasonableness of all the client portions. Clients are additionally anticipating accommodation during shopping. Subsequently, they place their malls in the core of the city. They have begun online foundation of their stores to coordinate with the present pattern of web based shopping (Rose et al. 2012). Web based shopping additionally adds comfort to the clients. Client steadfastness program has additionally begun to pull in more clients and right now Woolworths have enl isted in excess of 900000 endorsers (Evanschitzky et al. 2012). With the ongoing pattern of leaning toward sound and nourishing items by the clients, they are including increasingly green items and goods. Monetary condition of Woolworths is fluctuating in nature. Their business had been influenced because of the ongoing worldwide monetary emergency. Joblessness and downturn is the main considerations in lessening the buying intensity of the clients (Hampson and McGoldrick 2013). This influences the matter of Woolworths. They are increasing less clients because of the decrease in their buying power. These worldwide issues are contributing in the negative development of the association. In any case, the retail business in Australia is less influenced from the budgetary emergency than the worldwide market. Thus, Australian market is giving the most business chance to Woolworths. Regular habitat of Australia is likewise corrupting as the worldwide condition. However, Australian government has been acquainted different measures with control the adjustment in condition, it isn't sufficient to withstand. With the expansion in industrialization and financial turn of events, more weight is bei ng made on the earth. Environmental change will for the most part have negative effect for Woolworths. Nonetheless, there are a few open doors that can be created from the adjustment in atmosphere. Because of the explanation of environmental change, the normal temperature will increment. This will prompt the expansion in the interest for the winter machines, for example, climate control systems and cooler (Berkhout 2012). Additionally the food materials for the mid year seasons will see the flood sought after. Greater condition well disposed items will be sold by them. Lack of flexibly will lead them to expand the cost of their items in the market. This will empower them to implant more income from the market. Change in the temperature will help in creating new necessity of the clients. Woolworths can get profited by recognizing these new necessities of the clients. Environmental change will have negative effect for Woolworths just as for the whole retail industry. Items identified with the winter seasons will have lower request from the clients. Ascend in temperature will likewise lessen the footfall in the stores. Short-lived products will be squandered because of the ascent in temperature. Gracefully of the occasional items will get influenced because of the adjustment in atmosphere. Gracefully chain of Woolworths will get influenced due to inconsistency in the creation because of progress in atmosphere. Change in condition will antagonistically influence the development of food things and subsequently will expand the cost in the market. Development of regular food things will be affected because of the environmental change (Wheeler and Von Braun 2013). Increment in the cost will contrarily impact the clients to purchase the specific item. In this way, retail industry will be influenced from having less clients. Woolworth bargains in the dres s and clothing segments moreover. This area will likewise get unfavorably influenced by the adjustment in atmosphere. It is because of the reasons that, different characteristic crude materials are being utilized underway of the dress materials (Kurukulasuriya and Rosenthal 2013). Creation of these regular things will be influenced by the adjustment in the temperature and in this manner influencing the style retail business of Woolworths. Woolworths is having negative effect on the earth because of their business approaches. Carbon discharge is one of the significant issues with them in regards to environmental change. Woolworths is one of the main associations in Australia as far as carbon emanation. This issue prompted the expansion of contamination in the air which in goes prompts a worldwide temperature alteration. Misuse of common assets, for example, water is likewise a state of worry from the ecological point of view. Shortage of water is as of now been seen in various districts. Misuse and wastage of water by them is contributing in having greater shortage. Squander materials from their stores have additionally negative effect for the earth. Physical waste prompted air and water contaminations. Additionally the power utilizing by them is likewise contributing in an unnatural weather change. Woolworths is one of the noticeable associations in Australian areas who pay a colossal measure of power bills. Utilizing greater power implies consuming of increasingly non-renewable energy sources. Consequently, consuming of petroleum derivatives negatively affects the earth. In this manner, Woolworths is by implication contributing in consuming non-renewable energy sources and impacting the a dangerous atmospheric devation. Woolworth has elevated different activities to counter these issues identified with condition. The business approaches of Woolworth are agreed to the Kyoto convention which is begun by United Nations. By following with the Kyoto convention, they are submitted in lessening the ozone harming substance created from their offices. Woolworths advanced a procedure named, making the best choice in 2007 so as to diminish the carbon emanations from their different operational offices. The objective set in this approach is to diminish the carbon emanations, Opening of new green stores which will be condition cordial. These sorts of stores will have innovations to control the effect on condition. The arrangement likewise incorporates focus to diminish the wastage of water and safeguarding of water. They are likewise offering receptacles in their stores for the clients to store their waste plastic sacks. These packs are being reused and are utilized in different manners. Woolworths will likewise put resources into age of sustainable power source which will demonstrate savvy over the long haul for them. They are working with their providers in instructing them about the effect of environmental change (Arli et al. 2013). As Woolworth manages food things, in this manner they have advanced mindfulness drive for their providers so as to deliver food things agreeing to the ecological issues. Woolworths is currently advancing reused bundles for their item. This will help in decreasing the waste created from the bundling materials. Likewise, the bundles are done so that, they will lessen the opportunity of harming the item. Along these lines, wastage of item can likewise be forestalled. They have showed a drive to steadily diminish the loss from their stores. They will deal with squander the executives and food salvage activities. They has set an objective of decreasing the deforestation continuously and planned to accomplish zero pace of deforestation for assembling their own marked items (Buizer, Humphreys and de Jong 2014). They have expanded their speculation on sustainable power source, for example, sun oriented vitality. Woolworths contributed more than $2.3 million to introduce 4000 sunlight based boards in the housetop of their stores. From their as of now introduced limit, they have produced increasingly 1560 MW. Quality of Woolworths incorporates the situation of market initiative with having altruism and notoriety. It will assist them with penetrating more in the market and grow in the new market. Also, the decrease in carbon impression and presentation of cost productive methods of bundling will assist them with reducing the working expense in the long haul. Shortcoming

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Labour Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Work Economics - Essay Example Beside natural and social variables, industrialization has been pointed as the primary driver of imbalance which began between the farming and the modern parts. As indicated by Williamson and Lindert (1980), the developments of the gifted and incompetent compensation proportions plainly mirror the inconsistent conveyance of riches especially among people. (Williamson and Lindert, 1980) Industrialization came about to a lesser interest for HR. This causes the expansion in rivalry among the laborers. The inconsistent assets, for example, the entrance to training between the rich and the less lucky individuals came about to a more extensive hole on the dispersion of riches between the two parts of the general public. This paper will examine in subtleties the impacts of the imbalance in the appropriation of profit, pay, and riches among people as a family in contrast with the instance of single parents just as different factors, for example, the financial presentation of the nation and the UK charge change. These components could extraordinarily influence the pay recreation time of ladies. Then again, the utilization of ‘Income-Leisure Choice Theory model’ could give us a superior attitude toward how functioning ladies or single parents regularly wind up working for longer hours The continually changing workplace has brought about the progressions of business designs among people over the previous decades. As per OEDC †Employment Outlook, the quantity of ladies investment in the corporate world has continually expanding; while the men ceaselessly declining. In particular, the sexual orientation wage holes among people as far as their middle income are wide. (See Table I †Gender Gap in Median Earnings of Full-time Employees in 2004 underneath and Graph I †Gender Wage Gaps on page 5) Since the gaining holes among people are very large, ladies particularly the individuals who are single

Monday, July 27, 2020

How PTSD and Emotions Like Worry Are Connected

How PTSD and Emotions Like Worry Are Connected PTSD Related Conditions Print How PTSD and Emotions Like Worry Are Connected Why worrying may be an attempt to manage anxiety By Matthew Tull, PhD twitter Matthew Tull, PhD is a professor of psychology at the University of Toledo, specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder. Learn about our editorial policy Matthew Tull, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 24, 2019 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes & Risk Factors Treatment Living With In Children Thomas Barwick/Stone/Getty Images Worry is an emotion that involves thinking about possible future problems, concerns or outcomes. It often takes the form of what if... thinking and generally accompanies anxiety. Everyone experiences worry from time to time. However, some people may experience very severe worry to the point that the worry occurs constantly throughout the day and feels uncontrollable. There is some evidence that people with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may be more likely than others to struggle with worry.? Why Worry? Although worry often goes along with anxiety, some people may worry in an attempt to manage their anxiety. Some of the worry that people experience may actually be driven by the desire to avoid unpleasant emotions. Worrying looks very much like problem-solving and when people experience anxiety, they may be bombarded by feelings of uncertainty, unpredictability, and uncontrollability. Some people may worry in an attempt to establish some sense of certainty and predictability, reducing their anxiety. However, in many cases, definite solutions to a problem may not be easily identified. In these cases, worry may only increase the extent with which people think about the problem, further increasing their anxiety. A number of studies have found that worry is associated with the avoidance of emotions. In fact, people who worry say that they often worry in order to distract themselves from more emotionally distressing topics. In addition, worry has been found to bring down anxious arousal (at least temporarily). PTSD and Worry Several studies have found that people with PTSD may be more likely to worry than those without PTSD. Why do we often see excessive worry among people with PTSD? Well, PTSD is associated with high levels of anxious arousal, as well as other strong emotions. In addition, people with PTSD may have difficulties identifying healthy ways of managing these intense emotional experiences. Therefore, given that worry may temporarily bring down arousal and can distract people from more emotionally distressing topics, people with PTSD may worry in order to obtain some relief from their distress. In fact, one study found that desires to avoid emotions explained the association between PTSD and worry. Unfortunately, as with other emotionally avoidant coping strategies, this relief will be short-lived. Because the anxiety is not really being addressed or processed, it will only come back and sometimes stronger than before. Managing Your Worrying As mentioned earlier, everyone worries. Therefore, it probably isnt possible to completely remove worry from your life. However, there are strategies that you can use to reduce worry, especially at times when you are experiencing unpleasant emotions, such as anxiety. For example, learning healthy emotion regulation and anxiety management strategies can reduce your reliance on unhealthy coping strategies, such as worry. In addition, given that worry is focused on the future, coping strategies aimed at increasing your focus on the present moment can be particularly useful. Mindfulness meditation is one such strategy. Specifically, mindfulness can increase the extent with which you attend to the present moment in a non-judgmental and non-evaluative way. In doing so, you can better disengage from worrisome thoughts and limit their interference in your life.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Power Of The Praying Parent - 1595 Words

Justine Clarke | April 10, 2017 The Power of the Praying Parent Saint Augustine’s Praise Song to His Mother Choose you this day whom ye will serve;... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. - Josh 24:2, Around the year 354 in Tagaste, arose a child who fulfilled the prophecy in his name’s meaning and grew to become â€Å"great, and venerable†. The child, later regarded by theologists as the â€Å"Doctor of the Church† was Saint Augustine of Hippo. In his book, â€Å"The Confessions,† Saint Augustine recounts his spiritual journey to becoming a devout Christian. The purpose of his narrative is to convey that throughout his challenging journey, one specific spiritual figure remained a constant, his mother Saint Monica of Hippo. Although†¦show more content†¦(Augustine, Confess. 1.2) During his spiritual journey, Augustine’s path to enlightenment is hindered by sinful obstacles when he seeks for â€Å"pleasures, sublimities... and [falls] headlong into sorrows, confusions, errors.† (Confess. 1.31) He realizes that because of the weak and sinful nature of man, humans can not hope to find salvation without God s assistance and â€Å"faithful mercy†. (Augustine, Confess. 3.5) Augustine views his prayerful mother as this assistance. Monica prays in order to prevent harm from coming to Augustine while ignorant to the truth of salvation. Her pious and gentle ways guide Augustine away from his secular lifestyle with â€Å"wrong notions of God† and towards a lifestyle more pleasing to God. It is Monica’s fervent prayers, that leads Augustine to salvation and later fuels his dedication to the church. Moreover, in the process of interceding, Monica lets an important opportunity to save and and baptized Augustine slip away. He falls ill at a young age, and begs to be baptised, in case the illness became worse. Monica denies him because she â€Å"foresees; that the defilements of sin would, after that washing, bring...more perilous guilt.† (Augustine, Confess. 1.17) Although this is the only time Monica lets the opportunity slip away, Augustine laments over her decision to â€Å"let him alone, and let him do as he will†Show MoreRelatedReflection Paper on Parenting Principles1712 Words   |  7 PagesArts in Education Dr. Teody M. Pajaron Dr. Evelyn R. Pajaron ES621: Parenting, Schools and Achievement International Graduate School of Leadership Quezon City, Philippines Submitted June 30, 2012 â€Å"What makes an effective parent?† â€Å"How can one be effective in his or her parenting?† Answers to these questions are very much needed by a father or a mother who truly loves his or her children and has deep concern for them. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Hamlet Effects Of Revenge On Characters And Society

Hamlet: Effects of Revenge on Characters and Society Revenge can be termed as an action of hurting or harming someone in return for an injury or wrong suffered at his or her hands. Revenging is known to cause more harm to both the parties involved. Different literature works has widely used revenge to show impact of a conflict and to institute drama. Shakespeare is one of the famous authors who have utilized revenge in their literature works to make his audience ground to following his works. In this paper, we are going to look at the effects of revenge in Hamlet and the effects it has on the characters and the society. Hamlet is a play plotted on revenge, a number of characters try to lure their foes into death or misery in what†¦show more content†¦This plot creates a prolonged conflict that becomes the foundation of the play. In one attempt in trying to make the king admit his wrongdoing, he stages a play where actors play out his father’s death in front of King Claudius. The king is traumatized and the reaction he gives confirms he is guilty of the murder. Therefore, revenge is an element that creates conflict and decisions in the society. Revenge leads to recklessness and losses of lives in a society. Hamlet despite learning of his father’s death in early stages of the play he fails to act swiftly in avenging it. Consequently, other people die because of the failed revenge. Such deaths include Polonius, Ophelia Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Jamieson, 1). On the contrary, Laertes upon learning of his father’s murder, he reacts swiftly and recklessly. He threatens the king that he will overthrow him if he does not describe how Polonius was killed. Laertes upon learning that Hamlet is the killer swears that he will take revenge. He swears, â€Å"Only I’ll be revenged most thoroughly for my father† (Hamlet, IV, V, 133-134). Laertes and King Claudius make a deal to exterminate Hamlet. Eventually this plans backfires and leads to their own death. Therefore, revenge is seen to make characters behave irrationally and this leads to deaths of other characters. Irrational actions may lead to haste or excessive contemplations thatShow MoreRelatedA Traditional Revenge Tragedy Approach To Hamlet759 Words   |  4 PagesA Traditional Revenge Tragedy approach involves the drama of a character seeking revenge for an injury or caused by another character (Reedy). In the play of Hamlet, this approach can easily be seen in the character Hamlet’s plot to â€Å"remember† his father. After his father’s death, Hamlet spends the whole play concocting a plan to avenge his father. He develops a play to bring guilt to his father’s murderer and to convince the royal subjects of their king’s foul sin. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My First Real Experience With Biometrics Free Essays

My first real experience with biometrics occurred when my son purchased a new cell phone nearly two years ago. During the initial setup, he selected an iris scan as his passcode. I was a little surprised by the technology and skeptical of the convenience and security. We will write a custom essay sample on My First Real Experience With Biometrics or any similar topic only for you Order Now My first question to him was, â€Å"What if someone needs to get in your phone?†. He quickly replied, â€Å"That is what the security feature is for, so they can’t get in. If I want them in it, I’ll open it and hand it to them.† He is an active duty Navy sailor. He explained to me that he felt more secure knowing that no one could break into his phone because of this passcode. I observed him over the next two weeks while he was home on leave. Each time he accessed his phone, he simply looked into the screen and instantly he had access. He has shared that when others see that his passcode is an iris scan, they realize they cannot hack into the phone. Most never attempt anything at this point. Those that do are not successful. To this day, he has not had any security issues with his phone. Watching the success and ease at which biometrics worked with a cell phone, I moved to a biometrics passcode when I purchased a new computer earlier this year. My new computer came with FastAccess Facial Recognition. After initial setup which included some training to recognize my face, I no longer had to enter a password or PIN. .There are advanced features that turn off the webcam, enable parental controls, and enable an automatic login feature that make FastAccess safe and user-friendly. When someone else tries to access my computer, access is denied because FastAccess does not recognize them. I’ve been told for many years that my daughter could pass as my twin, but the computer knows better, it would not unlock for her. Lighting can affect the process, the system does not work in poor lighting conditions. In these cases, I am prompted for a second form of authentication, a PIN or password. Other than this, I have been very pleased with not having to use a password to access my system and knowing my data is secure. Now that I was familiar with biometrics in â€Å"my† environment, I wanted to learn more about biometrics in the area of health information, an area I have worked in for nearly thirty years. According to Whitman and Mattord (2018), biometric access control refers to physiological characteristics used to authenticate identification that has been provided. This control relies on recognition, comparing an actual image to a stored image. Fingerprints, palm prints, hand geometry, facial recognition, retinal prints, and iris patterns are types of biometric authentication technologies. The three characteristics in humans that are generally considered unique are the fingerprints, the retina, and the iris (pp 334-335). Iris recognition provides the highest level of accuracy of all biometric markers. According to Katz, the algorithms used in iris recognition are so accurate â€Å"that the entire planet could be enrolled in an iris database with only a small chance of false acceptance or false rejection† (2002). Concerns in the area of biometrics are â€Å"false negative† and â€Å"false positive†. When an individual has a false negative their identity is registered within the system but for some reason, the system does not recognize them. A false positive is the larger concern. This rating means the individual is not registered within the system, yet the system is recognizing them as another registered user and providing access to them based on that recognition. Facial recognition technology opens the door to many possibilities in healthcare, particularly in the area of health information management. This technology has been widely discussed as part of the national patient identifier initiative. Facial recognition is a preferred technology over other biometric techniques because it does not require direct contact with the patient and it is easily deployed. Some of the uses for facial recognition in the health information management area allows for authentication of proper security clearance for employees to grant or deny access within the EHR to staff without a password or PIN. By authenticating your employee, you are maintaining the confidentiality of the protected information. The same technology can be used to verify or authenticate the identity of a provider when they access controlled substances. Facial recognition is the preferred technology because â€Å"some areas within a hospital zones require clinicians to wear surgical gloves and masks, thereby prohibiting the use of fingerprint authentication† (Callahan, 2017). Another option is a feature where â€Å"a patient’s image can bring up their file in the EHR using facial recognition software† (McCleary, 2016). This security feature allows the healthcare provider to compare their patient to the stored patient image. Authenticating the patient allows you to maintain the integrity of your data, minimize medical mistakes and improve patient safety. Additional bonuses will be cost savings by reducing fraud, and improved protection or security of confidential patient heath information. There are yet additional benefits of facial recognition to the medical arena. One benefit is the prevention or reduction of medical identity theft. Medical identity theft occurs when someone uses another individual’s information to obtain medical services for personal or financial reasons. If the individual presenting for treatment had to be identified by facial recognition, their identity would be authenticated or denied. This could prevent someone from trying to use your insurance benefits or obtain access to your demographic or financial information. Again, this protects the security of confidential patient data. Facial recognition is also an important authentication feature in the healthcare field to establish the identity of patients, particularly those that are unresponsive. Early identification of these patients in emergency situations within an integrated EHR can give healthcare providers instant health information about medical conditions, medications, and allergies. Facial recognition provides a better alternative for identification than fingerprinting for burn victims those patients who have experienced amputations. Some genetic conditions allow diagnosis via facial recognition according to a study at the National Human Genome Research Institute. One provider of facial recognition software, Nextgate, â€Å"claims to simplify registration, flag fraudulent activity, and eliminate the creation of duplicate records† (McCleary, 2016). We may be able to eliminate duplicate records if this software meets its expectation. Duplicate records are a data quality issue that result in compromised â€Å"patient safety, medical care, data accuracy, and reimbursement† (Harris and Houser, 2018). Duplicate records occur for a variety of reasons, primarily human error due to transposing of letters and/or numbers during data entry, the use or non-use of middle names, and abbreviations. As we see more and more organizations merge or become part of a larger healthcare organization, the opportunity for duplicate medical records increase. â€Å"Duplicate records have caused negative outcomes in the discovery phase of the litigation process because there will be discrepancies with diagnoses, medications, and allergies† (Harris and Houser, 2018). Maintaining a single, confidential patient record ensures the availability and integrity of the patient data. Organizations are beginning to turn to biometrics to eliminate their duplicate records. The three possible methods include iris, palm vein, and fingerprint scanning. Iris scanning is the preferred method because it â€Å"supports hospital infection control initiatives and is very effective in preventing duplicates as there is a low occurrence of false positives and extremely low (almost zero percent) false negative rate† (Harris and Houser, 2018). With iris scanning, the technology never has to touch the patient whereas, palm vein and fingerprint scanning technology requires a physical contact between the patient and the technology. This increases the opportunity for infections to be spread. Organizations with an advanced enterprise master patient index (EMPI) are those that often contain patient information for multiple locations within one health system. The EMPI integrates data from the various systems forming an â€Å"overarching technology umbrella, resolving and synchronizing data issues and providing a single patient view that can be accessed across the enterprise. The EMPI resolves data quality issues and synchronizes back to enable accurate patient identification and matching that minimizes duplicates records† (Harris and Houser, 2018). The EMPI provides a level of confidentiality and security throughout the organization. When biometrics are implemented at the registration process and integrated into the EHR, health information professionals and providers can view and authenticate the patient information while working with the patient and within the EHR. Members of a data integrity team can verify patient records are properly integrating into the EHR as the patient moves through the health system. In areas where a facial recognition or fingerprint cannot be captured but a barcode can be scanned, the integration provides the patient’s image for a comparison prior to medication administration or other service. This form of authentication provides an added security and safety feature. While all of this technology sounds like a win for the patient and the healthcare system in general, we must also consider the law. According to Hedges, three states (Illinois, Texas, and Washington) now have legislation that regulate how biometric information is collected and used. More states are expected to follow suit. The Illinois Biometric Privacy Act (BIPA), â€Å"defines biometric information to mean â€Å"any information, regardless of how it is captured, converted, stored, or shared, based on an individual’s biometric identifier used to identify an individual.† (Hughes, 2018). BIPA does not include information captured in a healthcare setting or collected for treatment, payment, or healthcare options under HIPAA. It is uncertain how the Department of Health and Human Services will address biometric information at this time. One area that healthcare organizations should start to consider is how their business associates may interact with any biometric information they collect. The changing pace of technology is trying to keep up with the pace of today’s security challenges. It seems as if each day we hear of another security breach or security issue almost daily. There are tools for the health information professional to address or combat areas information security issues. Two of the most powerful tools are iris scanning and facial recognition. These tools can authenticate employee and patient identification. By authenticating the employee, you maintain confidentiality of information. By authenticating the patient, you maintain patient safety and the integrity of your data. How to cite My First Real Experience With Biometrics, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The OReily Factor Essay Example For Students

The OReily Factor Essay The OReilly FactorI choose the OReilly Factor because its about the only book that appealed to me. As well as the one the few narrators I could listen to for 5 hours. Besides the only other television shows I watch are reruns of the Simpsons and Senfied. So the OReilly factor seemed like a logical choice for me. The book is basically Bill OReillys viewpoint on just about everything such as politics, raising children, and taken responsibility for your own actions. Personally I really liked the book but thats just me I would not recommend to anyone who doesnt like Fox News Channel. The book incorporates a lot of his television show. In a lot of ways it was long a really long episode of the Factor. We will write a custom essay on The OReily Factor specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In the book Bill talks a lot of about his childhood and how he was raised in working class family in New York. The friendships he has maintained since his childhood as well as what it takes to be a good friend in his mind. The book starts out with him talking about being a high school teacher and when he was in college at Boston University looking across the river at MIT and Harvard and then given a chance to go back to get his masters at Harvard and then studying his now new counterparts. Growing up in a working class family his was not accustom to the Harvard way of life or thinking. What he means by that is since he did not come from a wealthy family when he graduated college he didnt have his fathers friends lining up to interview him. Basically he has always had to work to get where he is today. And that holds true today if you are born into any class besides the wealthy upper class you have to work for everything and speak up for yourself if necessary. Which in the book Bill me ntions how his mouth has gotten him into some trouble; for insistence when he first became a journalist he had four jobs in five years mainly because he would speak up when something was done that wasnt right. Trying to make right wrongs. The first part of the book is a lot about the classes that exist in America. Why they exist for example the rich upper class usually the politicians in America dont seat around at the country club wondering how to get drugs out of the ghetto. They (politicians) are concerned with keeping people paying taxes in order for them to have a job. Within this section Bill talks about the classes among the whites and blacks. He used the statistic that the average white family in the United States makes $39,000 a year as oppose to $25,000 a year for the average black family. Quite a gap if you ask me. Then Bill gets into a rant about television today and how there is nothing on TV. Bill gets on his high horse on how he is responsible for News Magazines on TV . Saying that Inside Edition was investigated reporting and was the first and then Dateline and all the others followed his lead. Somehow Bill goes from TV to drugs and how parents need to educate their children about drugs. This leads Bill into what is wrong with the legal system in the US. The wasteful spending that the government does on the war against drugs or does not. For example the government sends millions of dollars a year to Mexico and other South American countries to help these foreign governments at the source of the drug problem only to be sending the money to corrupt officials in these countries and have it back fire. Next Mr. OReilly talks about how parents raise their children today as oppose to when he grew up. Bill thinks that parents today are soft and just let their children run there life. He uses and example where this mother was trying to get her son to stop kicking the back of Bills chair on an airplane and couldnt do it because the child either did not f ear the mother and or the consequences if he keep kicking. To make a long story short the woman ended up switching seats with her son before Bill had his with the boy. Then Bill gets into dating and says how men and women have different agendas. For insistence women in general are looking for one Mr. Right of their dreams and guys want to find all girls from their dreams. Bill mentions in this section how he used his fame and television exposure to get dates. He also claims that he is a dancing machine but I just cant picture I white guy with rhythm. Then he gets into first sign indicators that a woman you dating isnt the one. .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a , .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a .postImageUrl , .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a , .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a:hover , .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a:visited , .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a:active { border:0!important; } .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a:active , .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u402e22336428328a46fc85b3f8d4524a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Moses Mendelssohn EssayNow comes etiquette this is where Bill speaks directly to everyone and says no matter whom you are teach your children table manners. He claims that this will get you further in life then anything. Straight teeth are essential and children should be taken to the dentist every six months and to a dermatologist if necessary. Proper English should be taught as well the use of the double negative between you and I is a bad thing in OReillys mind. And as a parent dont copy your teenager in using slang words like cool and awesome. Finally politeness teaches your children to open doors for people how to share and how to say thank you. And if you child is no t courtesies then send them of to courtesy school immediately. Mr. OReilly wraps up his book with a list of dislikes and likes, which I found to be the most interesting part of the book and also the part I disagreed with him the most. Bill starts out by disliking stuff like South Park, Viagra, and Jerry Springer. Which in my mind individuals are smart and able to separate the good from the bad, but people on a whole are dumb and irresponsible. These things just reinforce that statement. The one statement I will always remember from the book is nobody ever gave me anything because of who my dad was. This quote I feel speaks very loudly to me and I can relate to it more than anything that Bill said in the entire book. That statement is the kind of statement that just about anyone who has worked hard to get where they are at today can relate to. That is why I feel that quote sums up the book and quite possible the life of Bill OReilly. Words/ Pages : 1,155 / 24