Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Impact of Socio-Economic and Cultural Changes on the...

IMPACT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL CHANGES ON THE PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT OF ADOLESCENTS INTRODUCTION 1. The enormous socio-economic and cultural changes coupled with technological revolution have unfolded an urgency to address issues pertaining to grooming up of young personalities beyond the usual concerns of discipline and education in Bangladesh. This is because of the remarkable changes being marked in all the strata of the socio-economic system owing to the first moving cultural transformation and globalization. Social changes may be defined as the significant alteration of social structures (patterns of action and interaction) including consequences and manifestations of such structures embodied in norms, values, cultural†¦show more content†¦10. Social Values. Social values are related to the norms of a culture, but they are more general and abstract than norms. Norms are rules for behaviour in specific situations, while values identify what should be judged as good or bad. Flying the national flag on a national day is a norm, but it reflects the value of patriotism. 11. Value System. A value system refers to how an individual or a group of individuals organize their ethical or ideological values. One or more people can hold a value system. Likewise, a value system can apply to either one person or many. A personal value system is held by and applied to one individual only. A communal value system is held by and applied to a community/group/ society. There remains a conflict between these two systems because one is based on individualism while the other based on collectivism. A rational value system organized to resolve this conflict between two such value systems takes some form of comprise between them. A rationalized and well-defined value system acts as a moral code. Socio-Economic and Cultural Values Prevailing in Our Society 12. Nationalism – The Core National Value. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Patient And Tumor Characteristics Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

string(60) " scans were taken at the terminals of each of the processs\." Between January 2004 and June 2010, 160 patients underwent computing machine imaging guided transdermal cryoablation for lung tumours at our establishment. Of these patients, histologically proved phase I lung malignant neoplastic disease patients with more than one twelvemonth of followup, were retrospectively reviewed. All of these patients were considered to be medically inoperable with Charlson comorbidity index of 3 or greater. We will write a custom essay sample on Patient And Tumor Characteristics Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Follow-up was based chiefly on computed imaging. There were 22 patients with 34 tumours who underwent 25 Sessionss of cryoablation intervention. Complications were pneumothoraces in 7 interventions ( 28 % , chest tubing required in one intervention ) , and pleural gushs in 8 interventions ( 31 % ) . The observation period ranged from 12-68 months, mean 29 ±19 months, average 23 months. Local tumour patterned advance was observed in one tumour ( 3 % ) . Mean local tumour progression-free interval was 69 ±2 months. One patient died of lung malignant neoplastic disease patterned advance at 68 months. Two patients died of acute aggravations of idiopathic pneumonic fibrosis which were non considered to be straight associated with cryoablation, at 12 and 18 months, severally. The overall 2- and 3-year endurances were 88 % and 88 % , severally. Mean overall endurance was 62 ±4 months. Median overall endurance was 68 months. The disease-free 2- and 3-year endurances were 78 % and 67 % , severally. Average disease-free endurance was 46 ±6 months. Pneumonic map trials were done in 16 patients ( 18 interventions ) before and after cryoablation. Percentage of predicted critical capacity, and per centum of predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 2nd, did non differ significantly before and after cryoablation ( 93 ±23 versus 90 ±21, and 70 ±11 versus 70 ±12, severally ) . Conclusions/Significance Although farther accretion of informations is necessary sing efficaciousness, cryoablation may be a executable option in medically inoperable phase I lung malignant neoplastic disease patients. Travel to: Introduction Surgical resection is presently the criterion intervention for phase I non-small cell lung malignant neoplastic disease ( NSCLC ) . However, in patients who are medically inoperable due to important comorbidities, other intervention modes need to be considered. The non-surgical direction of early phase lung malignant neoplastic disease is presently an spread outing field. These include stereotactic organic structure radiation therapy ( SBRT ) and thermic ablative processs such as radiofrequency extirpation ( RFA ) and micro-cook extirpation [ 1 ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] . Transdermal cryoablation is besides presently germinating as a minimally invasive, and potentially effectual, local intervention for lung tumours [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] , [ 10 ] . This process, largely used when surgical resection is contraindicated, is presently under rating as a possible complementary therapy for patients with primary lung malignant neoplastic diseases every bit good as metastatic l ung tumours. We have, to day of the month, treated more than 300 lung tumours in more than 200 patients with acceptable feasibleness and efficaciousness. Of these patients, in the present survey, we retrospectively analyzed the midterm results of phase I NSCLC patients treated with cryoablation. Travel to: Materials and Methods Ethical motives This survey protocol was approved by Keio University institutional reappraisal board ( blessing ID: 14-23 ) . Written informed consent was obtained from each participant in conformity with the Declaration of Helsinki. Choice of patients Between January 2004 and August 2010, 160 patients underwent cryoablation for lung tumours at our establishment. Of these patients, we retrospectively reviewed our experience with cryoablation for the primary intervention of phase I NSCLC in medically inoperable patients, with more than one twelvemonth of followup. The tumours which presented as multiple tumours in one patient, were clinically considered as synchronal or metachronous primary lung malignant neoplastic diseases to be eligible for this survey. Some of these patients have been reported antecedently [ 7 ] , [ 9 ] . Prior to sing cryoablation, patients with histologically diagnosed NSCLC were routinely staged with chest-to-pelvis computed imaging ( CT ) , encephalon magnetic resonance imagination ( MRI ) or CT, and most of the patients besides underwent a antielectron emanation tomographic ( PET ) scan. Bone scintigraphy was done if PET scan was non performed. Patients with hilar or mediastinal lymph nodes greater than 1 centimeter in the shortest axis, a positive PET scan consequence, or both, underwent endobronchial echography guided needle biopsy, or mediastinoscopy. The inclusion standard for this survey were patients who were considered medically inoperable because of hazards such as impaired cardiac map, hapless pneumonic map, and/or other comorbidities, i.e. , Charlson comorbidity index ( CCI ) [ 11 ] A ; gt ; = 3. The patients ‘ desires to avoid surgery in association with their medical comorbidities were besides accounted for. The exclusion standards were as follows: ( 1 ) Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group ( ECOG ) mark of 2 or more. ( 2 ) Platelet count of less than 50,000/ µL. ( 3 ) Prothrombin clip international normalized ratio of more than 1.5. ( 4 ) No suited manner for the interpolation of investigations due to interference by major vasculatures, air passages or mediastinal constructions. ( 5 ) Incapable of cooperation during the cryoablation process. All patients were evaluated by representatives from pulmonologists, interventional radiotherapists, and pectoral sawboness to find inoperability and suitableness for cryoablat ion. Cryoablation process The process of transdermal cryoablation was performed under local anaesthesia as antecedently described [ 7 ] . Under a multidetector-row CT scanner with multi-slice CT fluoroscopy maps ( Aquilion 64 ; Toshiba Med. Co. Ltd. , Tokyo, Japan ) , utilizing an outer interpolation sheath, a 1.7-mm-diameter cryoprobe ( CRYOcare Cryosurgical Unit ; Endocare, Irvine, CA ) was inserted into the targeted nodule under fluoroscopic CT counsel. Multiple investigations were at the same time inserted if the extirpation border was considered to be deficient with merely one investigation. The cryoprobe uses high-pressure Ar and He gases for stop deading and dissolving, severally, based on the Joule-Thompson rule. Cryoablation consisted of three rhythms of freeze, 5, 10, and 10 proceedingss each. The tip of the cryoprobe reaches about ?130 A ; deg ; C during stop deading. This was followed by dissolving until the temperature of the cryoprobe reached 20 A ; deg ; C, and so a 3rd rhythm of freeze ( 10 proceedingss ) followed by dissolving. Fibrin gum was infused into the outer sheath at the clip of cryoprobe remotion to cut down the hazards of hemothoraces and pneumothoraces. Whole lung CT scans were taken at the terminals of each of the processs. You read "Patient And Tumor Characteristics Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" Chest radiogram were besides taken two hours after, the following twenty-four hours, and the twenty-four hours after each of the processs to look into for complications such as hemothoraces or pneumothoraces. The patients were discharged on the 2nd postoperative twenty-four hours if there were no complications. Follow-up after cryoablation Follow-up chest-to-pelvis CT scans with contrast sweetening were carried out at 1-month and so at 3 to 6 months intervals after cryoablation. We confirmed local patterned advance when there was a uninterrupted focal or diffuse expansion of the ablated lesion on CT. Furthermore, even when no expansion was seen, we regarded it as local patterned advance if the size of partial sweetening in the tumour continuously increased. As for the sensing of distant metastases, encephalon MRI or CT was done every 3 to 6 months. Favored scan or bone scintigraphy was done if considered to be necessary. Pneumonic map trial Pneumonic map trial was done in patients who could adequately execute the trial, before, and 3 to 6 months after cryoablation. Statistical methods Local tumour progression-free intervals, and overall and disease-free endurances, were calculated with the Kaplan-Meier method. Pneumonic map trials were compared with the mated t trial. The statistical package bundle SPSS 17.0 ( SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill ) was used for all analyses. P values smaller than 0.05 was considered to be statistically important. Travel to: Consequences During the survey period, 22 patients with 34 tumours underwent 25 Sessionss of lung cryoablation interventions for clinical phase I NSCLC. These patients were retrospectively reviewed. None of the patients had mediastinal or hilar lymph nodes greater than 1 centimeter in the shortest axis, or a positive PET scan consequence of the mediastinal or hilar lymph nodes. Fifteen patients had individual tumours, which were all treated in one session. Three patients had 2 tumours. The 2 tumours were found synchronously in all 3 patients, and were treated as one session per patient. Four patients had 3 tumours. In 2 of these patients, the 3 tumours were found synchronously, and were treated as one session per patient. In both of the staying 2 patients, 2 tumours were synchronal and one was metachronous. The 2 synchronal tumours were treated in one session in each of the patients. The metachronous tumours were treated as another session in both patients. One patient had 4 tumours. Two of these tumours were found synchronously and were treated in one session. Other 2 metachronous tumours were found at the same clip, and were treated in one session. The patient and tumour features are described in Table 1. The average maximum tumour diameter was 1.4 ±0.6 centimeter ( range 0.5-3.0 centimeter ) . More than half of the patients had a past history of resection for another lung malignant neoplastic disease. Majority of tumours were adenocarcinomas. Nine patients had more than one tumour, which were considered to be synchronal, or metachronous primary lung malignant neoplastic diseases. The figure of investigations used was 1 in 20 tumours, 2 in 13 tumours, and 3 in 1 tumour. Eight patients ( 36 % ) had important cardiac or vascular disease that put them at high hazard for surgical resection. Limited pneumonic map was the prevailing determiner of medical inoperability in 6 patients ( 27 % ) . Four of these patients were on O therapy. Other comorbidities included nephritic dis function, liver disfunction, and attendant malignances. Average CCI was 5 ±3, scope 3 to 15. Table 1 Table 1 Patient and tumour features. The most common complications of cryoablation were pneumothoraces, minor haemoptysiss, and pleural gushs. Pneumothoraces were seen in 7 interventions ( 28 % ) . Pleural gushs were seen in 8 interventions ( 31 % ) . Minor haemoptysiss were seen in 6 patients ( 24 % ) . Chest tubing interpolation was required in one patient with pneumothorax. All other complications resolved with observation merely. The observation period ranged from 12-68 months, mean 29 ±19 months, average 23 months. Local tumour patterned advance after cryoablation was observed in one tumour ( 3 % ) which was a squamous cell carcinoma 1.6 centimeter in size. Local failure was recognized as progressive expansion of the ablated part at 8 months after cryoablation. At this clip, no other metastases were observed. The local recurrent tumour was re-cryoablated. Four months after re-cryoablation, the patient developed an upper respiratory infection, which lead to an acute aggravation of the implicit in idiopathic pneumonic fibrosis ( IPF ) . The patient later died of the acute aggravation. At this point, local control was maintained. Overall, the average local tumour progression-free interval was 69 ±2 months. Median local tumour progression-free interval was non reached ( Figure 1A ) . Figure 1 Figure 1 Kaplan-Meier estimation curves of ( A ) local progression-free interval after cryoablation, ( B ) overall endurance after cryoablation, and ( C ) disease-free endurance after cryoablation. So far 3 patients ( 14 % ) have died. One patient was the patient described above. Another patient died of lung malignant neoplastic disease 68 months after cryoablation. This patient developed multiple systemic metastases whereas local control was maintained. This patient received chemotherapy one twelvemonth after cryoablation because distant metastases were detected. The staying one patient died of acute aggravation of IPF 18 months after cryoablation. In this instance, the acute aggravation of IPF occurred instantly after chemotherapy for attendant liver malignant neoplastic disease, and was non considered to be straight associated with lung cryoablation. There are 2 patients who have received chemotherapy and are alive. One patient developed multiple lung metastasis 48 months after cryoablation and have received systemic therapy with gefitinib. Local control was maintained in this patient. The other patient developed multiple systemic metastases 4 months after cryoablation. Loca l control was maintained. This patient received systemic chemotherapy after sensing of distant metastases. The overall 2- and 3-year endurances were 88 % and 88 % , severally. Mean overall endurance was 62 ±4 months. Median overall endurance was 68 months ( Figure 1B ) . Five patients are alive with lung malignant neoplastic disease. The disease-free 2- and 3-year endurances were 78 % and 67 % , severally. Average disease-free endurance was 46 ±6 months. Median disease-free endurance was non reached ( Figure 1C ) . The forms of returns other than local return were as follows: Recurrence merely in the ipsilateral thorax was seen in 1 patient, which was lung metastases. Needle-tract airings or pleural returns have non been detected so far in any of the patients. Distant metastases were seen in 5 patients. These included metastases to contralateral thoraces, lumbar vertebra, ribs, and encephalon. Treatments for these patients included chemotherapy, radiation, and gamma-knife. Pneumonic map was evaluated in 16 patients ( 18 interventions ) before and 3 to 6 months after cryoablation. There were no important differences before and after cryoablation in critical capacity ( 2.72 ±0.82 L versus 2.64 ±0.74 L, P = 0.19 ) , per centum of predicted critical capacity ( 93 ±23 % versus 90 ±21, P = 0.11 ) , forced expiratory volume in 1 2nd ( 1.81 ±0.53 L versus 1.77 ±0.50 L, P = 0.14 ) ( Figure 2 ) , and per centum of forced expiratory volume in 1 2nd ( 70 ±11 % versus 70 ±12 % , P = 0.95 ) . Figure 2 Figure 2 Individual alterations in forced expiratory volume in 1 2nd, and the mean  ± standard divergences before and after cryoablation. Travel to: Discussion There is roll uping grounds that RFA is a safe and executable intervention option for the intervention of inoperable phase I NSCLC. There is one study in which the consequences of cryoablation for phase I lung malignant neoplastic disease is included among the consequences of RFA and sublobar resections [ 10 ] . But to our cognition, this is the first study which specifically focuses on cryoablation in patients with medically inoperable phase I NSCLC. In the present survey, cryoablation was done safely in all patients. Reduction in pneumonic map after cryoablation was besides minimum in this survey, although the pneumonic map trial was done largely in patients with comparatively good pneumonic maps who could adequately execute the trial. The incidences of the most common complications, which were pneumothoraces, and pleural gushs, were comparable to those antecedently reported for RFA [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , [ 12 ] , [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] . The reported local control rates for RFA intervention of inoperable phase I NSCLC ranged from 58 to 69 % [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , [ 12 ] , [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] . The local control rate was somewhat higher in the present survey ( 97 % ) , presumptively because in our survey the tumours were 3 centimeter or less, really largely 2 centimeter or less, whereas old RFA surveies included tumours which were 4 centimeter or less. As for the one patient with local return, we speculate that the primary cause of local patterned advance was deficient border of extirpation. Although 2 investigations were used in this instance, it was hard to define the relationship between the border of extirpation and the border of the tumour on CT because of the implicit in IPF. We consider that farther accretion of experience is necessary to better intervention outcomes in such instances. The overall and disease-free endurance at 3 old ages were better than that antecedently reported for RFA [ 5 ] , 88 % and 67 % versus 47 % and 39 % , severally. This was besides presumptively because in our survey the tumours were 3 centimeter or less, whereas the old RFA survey included tumours which were 3-4 centimeter. In our survey, there were 6 patients with disease patterned advance other than local return, but the figure of patients was excessively little to measure if there is any characteristic form of disease patterned advance after lung malignant neoplastic disease cryoablation. Determination of medical inoperability is critically of import and should be assessed by an interdisciplinary squad. A patient should non be judged as inoperable by one factor entirely, such as hapless pneumonic map. Therefore the appraisal of medical operability requires a comprehensive rating of multiple factors in the patient. To this terminal, the group of patients in the present survey all had important associated comorbidities, with CCIs of A ; gt ; = 3. This mark has been validated in surgically resected patients with lung malignant neoplastic disease [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] . In these studies, multivariate analysis showed that a CCI A ; gt ; = 3 was a important prognostic factor of increased hazard of major complications. In the current survey, the patients who underwent cryoablation were aged ( average age, 72 old ages ) , had important comorbidities ( average CCI, 5 ) , and hence, were considered to stand for a bad population for surgery. Although farther followup is needed, so f ar merely one patient in this survey has died of lung malignant neoplastic disease, and other 2 patients have died of their comorbidities. This consequence suggests that minimally invasive intervention options such as cryoablation may really be appropriate for patients with significant comorbidities. In footings of efficaciousness, there is grounds to propose that cryoablation may ensue in improved local control in comparing to RFA in nephritic tumours [ 17 ] , but to our cognition there are no surveies comparing the two modes in lung tumours. Since this is a retrospective, experimental survey with a comparatively short followup in a limited figure of extremely selected patients subjected to multiple prejudices, farther surveies are necessary to more suitably address the results of cryoablation in comparing to RFA for early phase lung malignant neoplastic disease. SBRT is besides germinating to be a promising intervention option for early phase lung malignant neoplastic disease, with singular betterments in efficaciousness and safety. The indicants for SBRT and ablative processs are expected to be really similar, and farther surveies are necessary to define the strengths and failings of each of these modes, which may be complementary instead than reciprocally sole. Travel to: Footnotes Competing Interests: The writers have declared that no viing involvements exist. Support: No external support was received for this survey. Travel to: How to cite Patient And Tumor Characteristics Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Sensory Adaptation free essay sample

Sensation is described as the stimulus of the receptors that our brain receives whenever we utilize any of our five senses such as hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, or touching. Sensation travels through a process called transduction, which converts, by sensors in the body, of psychical signals from the environment into neural signals sent to the central nervous system (S amp; G, 2011, pg. We will write a custom essay sample on Sensory Adaptation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 94). When you walk into a college dorm room, the aroma of marijuana is overwhelming at first, but after a few minutes the smell fades. When you first wake up in the morning and put a clean pair of underwear on, you initially feel them rubbing against your skin, but after a few minutes you get used to it. These are examples of sensory adaptation, the observation that sensitivity to prolonged stimulation tends to decline over time as an organism adapts to current conditions (S amp; G, 2011, pg. 94). This adaptation allows people to adapt to their environments while balancing the need to receive new sensory input. One of the best ways to illustrate sensory adaptation is to relate the eye to its environment. For example, if you go to the movie theater and sit for a couple of hours in darkness, then walk out into the bright sunlight on a clear day, it is going to take a few minutes for your eyes to adjust. The level of light has not changed. The receptors inside the eye have adjusted their sensitivity. Sensory adaptation is a very useful process for most living creatures. It would be quite irritating if one always felt their tongue inside their mouth or constantly heard daily background noises. This past summer I lived with two individuals who smoked marijuana regularly, so when I returned home from worked, it initially took a few minutes for my senses to adapt to the environment I had just entered. After staying in the house for awhile, the smell seems to fade away, when in reality I am adapting to the environment through sense of smell. Toward the end of the summer, I had become so familiar with the scent and adapted to the environment, I no longer noticed the heavy stench. Conversely, friends that would come to visit would comment on the intensity of the smell because they had not been exposed to it.