Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Impact of Socio-Economic and Cultural Changes on the...

IMPACT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL CHANGES ON THE PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT OF ADOLESCENTS INTRODUCTION 1. The enormous socio-economic and cultural changes coupled with technological revolution have unfolded an urgency to address issues pertaining to grooming up of young personalities beyond the usual concerns of discipline and education in Bangladesh. This is because of the remarkable changes being marked in all the strata of the socio-economic system owing to the first moving cultural transformation and globalization. Social changes may be defined as the significant alteration of social structures (patterns of action and interaction) including consequences and manifestations of such structures embodied in norms, values, cultural†¦show more content†¦10. Social Values. Social values are related to the norms of a culture, but they are more general and abstract than norms. Norms are rules for behaviour in specific situations, while values identify what should be judged as good or bad. Flying the national flag on a national day is a norm, but it reflects the value of patriotism. 11. Value System. A value system refers to how an individual or a group of individuals organize their ethical or ideological values. One or more people can hold a value system. Likewise, a value system can apply to either one person or many. A personal value system is held by and applied to one individual only. A communal value system is held by and applied to a community/group/ society. There remains a conflict between these two systems because one is based on individualism while the other based on collectivism. A rational value system organized to resolve this conflict between two such value systems takes some form of comprise between them. A rationalized and well-defined value system acts as a moral code. Socio-Economic and Cultural Values Prevailing in Our Society 12. Nationalism – The Core National Value. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Patient And Tumor Characteristics Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

string(60) " scans were taken at the terminals of each of the processs\." Between January 2004 and June 2010, 160 patients underwent computing machine imaging guided transdermal cryoablation for lung tumours at our establishment. Of these patients, histologically proved phase I lung malignant neoplastic disease patients with more than one twelvemonth of followup, were retrospectively reviewed. All of these patients were considered to be medically inoperable with Charlson comorbidity index of 3 or greater. We will write a custom essay sample on Patient And Tumor Characteristics Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Follow-up was based chiefly on computed imaging. There were 22 patients with 34 tumours who underwent 25 Sessionss of cryoablation intervention. Complications were pneumothoraces in 7 interventions ( 28 % , chest tubing required in one intervention ) , and pleural gushs in 8 interventions ( 31 % ) . The observation period ranged from 12-68 months, mean 29 ±19 months, average 23 months. Local tumour patterned advance was observed in one tumour ( 3 % ) . Mean local tumour progression-free interval was 69 ±2 months. One patient died of lung malignant neoplastic disease patterned advance at 68 months. Two patients died of acute aggravations of idiopathic pneumonic fibrosis which were non considered to be straight associated with cryoablation, at 12 and 18 months, severally. The overall 2- and 3-year endurances were 88 % and 88 % , severally. Mean overall endurance was 62 ±4 months. Median overall endurance was 68 months. The disease-free 2- and 3-year endurances were 78 % and 67 % , severally. Average disease-free endurance was 46 ±6 months. Pneumonic map trials were done in 16 patients ( 18 interventions ) before and after cryoablation. Percentage of predicted critical capacity, and per centum of predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 2nd, did non differ significantly before and after cryoablation ( 93 ±23 versus 90 ±21, and 70 ±11 versus 70 ±12, severally ) . Conclusions/Significance Although farther accretion of informations is necessary sing efficaciousness, cryoablation may be a executable option in medically inoperable phase I lung malignant neoplastic disease patients. Travel to: Introduction Surgical resection is presently the criterion intervention for phase I non-small cell lung malignant neoplastic disease ( NSCLC ) . However, in patients who are medically inoperable due to important comorbidities, other intervention modes need to be considered. The non-surgical direction of early phase lung malignant neoplastic disease is presently an spread outing field. These include stereotactic organic structure radiation therapy ( SBRT ) and thermic ablative processs such as radiofrequency extirpation ( RFA ) and micro-cook extirpation [ 1 ] , [ 2 ] , [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] , [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] . Transdermal cryoablation is besides presently germinating as a minimally invasive, and potentially effectual, local intervention for lung tumours [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] , [ 10 ] . This process, largely used when surgical resection is contraindicated, is presently under rating as a possible complementary therapy for patients with primary lung malignant neoplastic diseases every bit good as metastatic l ung tumours. We have, to day of the month, treated more than 300 lung tumours in more than 200 patients with acceptable feasibleness and efficaciousness. Of these patients, in the present survey, we retrospectively analyzed the midterm results of phase I NSCLC patients treated with cryoablation. Travel to: Materials and Methods Ethical motives This survey protocol was approved by Keio University institutional reappraisal board ( blessing ID: 14-23 ) . Written informed consent was obtained from each participant in conformity with the Declaration of Helsinki. Choice of patients Between January 2004 and August 2010, 160 patients underwent cryoablation for lung tumours at our establishment. Of these patients, we retrospectively reviewed our experience with cryoablation for the primary intervention of phase I NSCLC in medically inoperable patients, with more than one twelvemonth of followup. The tumours which presented as multiple tumours in one patient, were clinically considered as synchronal or metachronous primary lung malignant neoplastic diseases to be eligible for this survey. Some of these patients have been reported antecedently [ 7 ] , [ 9 ] . Prior to sing cryoablation, patients with histologically diagnosed NSCLC were routinely staged with chest-to-pelvis computed imaging ( CT ) , encephalon magnetic resonance imagination ( MRI ) or CT, and most of the patients besides underwent a antielectron emanation tomographic ( PET ) scan. Bone scintigraphy was done if PET scan was non performed. Patients with hilar or mediastinal lymph nodes greater than 1 centimeter in the shortest axis, a positive PET scan consequence, or both, underwent endobronchial echography guided needle biopsy, or mediastinoscopy. The inclusion standard for this survey were patients who were considered medically inoperable because of hazards such as impaired cardiac map, hapless pneumonic map, and/or other comorbidities, i.e. , Charlson comorbidity index ( CCI ) [ 11 ] A ; gt ; = 3. The patients ‘ desires to avoid surgery in association with their medical comorbidities were besides accounted for. The exclusion standards were as follows: ( 1 ) Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group ( ECOG ) mark of 2 or more. ( 2 ) Platelet count of less than 50,000/ µL. ( 3 ) Prothrombin clip international normalized ratio of more than 1.5. ( 4 ) No suited manner for the interpolation of investigations due to interference by major vasculatures, air passages or mediastinal constructions. ( 5 ) Incapable of cooperation during the cryoablation process. All patients were evaluated by representatives from pulmonologists, interventional radiotherapists, and pectoral sawboness to find inoperability and suitableness for cryoablat ion. Cryoablation process The process of transdermal cryoablation was performed under local anaesthesia as antecedently described [ 7 ] . Under a multidetector-row CT scanner with multi-slice CT fluoroscopy maps ( Aquilion 64 ; Toshiba Med. Co. Ltd. , Tokyo, Japan ) , utilizing an outer interpolation sheath, a 1.7-mm-diameter cryoprobe ( CRYOcare Cryosurgical Unit ; Endocare, Irvine, CA ) was inserted into the targeted nodule under fluoroscopic CT counsel. Multiple investigations were at the same time inserted if the extirpation border was considered to be deficient with merely one investigation. The cryoprobe uses high-pressure Ar and He gases for stop deading and dissolving, severally, based on the Joule-Thompson rule. Cryoablation consisted of three rhythms of freeze, 5, 10, and 10 proceedingss each. The tip of the cryoprobe reaches about ?130 A ; deg ; C during stop deading. This was followed by dissolving until the temperature of the cryoprobe reached 20 A ; deg ; C, and so a 3rd rhythm of freeze ( 10 proceedingss ) followed by dissolving. Fibrin gum was infused into the outer sheath at the clip of cryoprobe remotion to cut down the hazards of hemothoraces and pneumothoraces. Whole lung CT scans were taken at the terminals of each of the processs. You read "Patient And Tumor Characteristics Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" Chest radiogram were besides taken two hours after, the following twenty-four hours, and the twenty-four hours after each of the processs to look into for complications such as hemothoraces or pneumothoraces. The patients were discharged on the 2nd postoperative twenty-four hours if there were no complications. Follow-up after cryoablation Follow-up chest-to-pelvis CT scans with contrast sweetening were carried out at 1-month and so at 3 to 6 months intervals after cryoablation. We confirmed local patterned advance when there was a uninterrupted focal or diffuse expansion of the ablated lesion on CT. Furthermore, even when no expansion was seen, we regarded it as local patterned advance if the size of partial sweetening in the tumour continuously increased. As for the sensing of distant metastases, encephalon MRI or CT was done every 3 to 6 months. Favored scan or bone scintigraphy was done if considered to be necessary. Pneumonic map trial Pneumonic map trial was done in patients who could adequately execute the trial, before, and 3 to 6 months after cryoablation. Statistical methods Local tumour progression-free intervals, and overall and disease-free endurances, were calculated with the Kaplan-Meier method. Pneumonic map trials were compared with the mated t trial. The statistical package bundle SPSS 17.0 ( SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill ) was used for all analyses. P values smaller than 0.05 was considered to be statistically important. Travel to: Consequences During the survey period, 22 patients with 34 tumours underwent 25 Sessionss of lung cryoablation interventions for clinical phase I NSCLC. These patients were retrospectively reviewed. None of the patients had mediastinal or hilar lymph nodes greater than 1 centimeter in the shortest axis, or a positive PET scan consequence of the mediastinal or hilar lymph nodes. Fifteen patients had individual tumours, which were all treated in one session. Three patients had 2 tumours. The 2 tumours were found synchronously in all 3 patients, and were treated as one session per patient. Four patients had 3 tumours. In 2 of these patients, the 3 tumours were found synchronously, and were treated as one session per patient. In both of the staying 2 patients, 2 tumours were synchronal and one was metachronous. The 2 synchronal tumours were treated in one session in each of the patients. The metachronous tumours were treated as another session in both patients. One patient had 4 tumours. Two of these tumours were found synchronously and were treated in one session. Other 2 metachronous tumours were found at the same clip, and were treated in one session. The patient and tumour features are described in Table 1. The average maximum tumour diameter was 1.4 ±0.6 centimeter ( range 0.5-3.0 centimeter ) . More than half of the patients had a past history of resection for another lung malignant neoplastic disease. Majority of tumours were adenocarcinomas. Nine patients had more than one tumour, which were considered to be synchronal, or metachronous primary lung malignant neoplastic diseases. The figure of investigations used was 1 in 20 tumours, 2 in 13 tumours, and 3 in 1 tumour. Eight patients ( 36 % ) had important cardiac or vascular disease that put them at high hazard for surgical resection. Limited pneumonic map was the prevailing determiner of medical inoperability in 6 patients ( 27 % ) . Four of these patients were on O therapy. Other comorbidities included nephritic dis function, liver disfunction, and attendant malignances. Average CCI was 5 ±3, scope 3 to 15. Table 1 Table 1 Patient and tumour features. The most common complications of cryoablation were pneumothoraces, minor haemoptysiss, and pleural gushs. Pneumothoraces were seen in 7 interventions ( 28 % ) . Pleural gushs were seen in 8 interventions ( 31 % ) . Minor haemoptysiss were seen in 6 patients ( 24 % ) . Chest tubing interpolation was required in one patient with pneumothorax. All other complications resolved with observation merely. The observation period ranged from 12-68 months, mean 29 ±19 months, average 23 months. Local tumour patterned advance after cryoablation was observed in one tumour ( 3 % ) which was a squamous cell carcinoma 1.6 centimeter in size. Local failure was recognized as progressive expansion of the ablated part at 8 months after cryoablation. At this clip, no other metastases were observed. The local recurrent tumour was re-cryoablated. Four months after re-cryoablation, the patient developed an upper respiratory infection, which lead to an acute aggravation of the implicit in idiopathic pneumonic fibrosis ( IPF ) . The patient later died of the acute aggravation. At this point, local control was maintained. Overall, the average local tumour progression-free interval was 69 ±2 months. Median local tumour progression-free interval was non reached ( Figure 1A ) . Figure 1 Figure 1 Kaplan-Meier estimation curves of ( A ) local progression-free interval after cryoablation, ( B ) overall endurance after cryoablation, and ( C ) disease-free endurance after cryoablation. So far 3 patients ( 14 % ) have died. One patient was the patient described above. Another patient died of lung malignant neoplastic disease 68 months after cryoablation. This patient developed multiple systemic metastases whereas local control was maintained. This patient received chemotherapy one twelvemonth after cryoablation because distant metastases were detected. The staying one patient died of acute aggravation of IPF 18 months after cryoablation. In this instance, the acute aggravation of IPF occurred instantly after chemotherapy for attendant liver malignant neoplastic disease, and was non considered to be straight associated with lung cryoablation. There are 2 patients who have received chemotherapy and are alive. One patient developed multiple lung metastasis 48 months after cryoablation and have received systemic therapy with gefitinib. Local control was maintained in this patient. The other patient developed multiple systemic metastases 4 months after cryoablation. Loca l control was maintained. This patient received systemic chemotherapy after sensing of distant metastases. The overall 2- and 3-year endurances were 88 % and 88 % , severally. Mean overall endurance was 62 ±4 months. Median overall endurance was 68 months ( Figure 1B ) . Five patients are alive with lung malignant neoplastic disease. The disease-free 2- and 3-year endurances were 78 % and 67 % , severally. Average disease-free endurance was 46 ±6 months. Median disease-free endurance was non reached ( Figure 1C ) . The forms of returns other than local return were as follows: Recurrence merely in the ipsilateral thorax was seen in 1 patient, which was lung metastases. Needle-tract airings or pleural returns have non been detected so far in any of the patients. Distant metastases were seen in 5 patients. These included metastases to contralateral thoraces, lumbar vertebra, ribs, and encephalon. Treatments for these patients included chemotherapy, radiation, and gamma-knife. Pneumonic map was evaluated in 16 patients ( 18 interventions ) before and 3 to 6 months after cryoablation. There were no important differences before and after cryoablation in critical capacity ( 2.72 ±0.82 L versus 2.64 ±0.74 L, P = 0.19 ) , per centum of predicted critical capacity ( 93 ±23 % versus 90 ±21, P = 0.11 ) , forced expiratory volume in 1 2nd ( 1.81 ±0.53 L versus 1.77 ±0.50 L, P = 0.14 ) ( Figure 2 ) , and per centum of forced expiratory volume in 1 2nd ( 70 ±11 % versus 70 ±12 % , P = 0.95 ) . Figure 2 Figure 2 Individual alterations in forced expiratory volume in 1 2nd, and the mean  ± standard divergences before and after cryoablation. Travel to: Discussion There is roll uping grounds that RFA is a safe and executable intervention option for the intervention of inoperable phase I NSCLC. There is one study in which the consequences of cryoablation for phase I lung malignant neoplastic disease is included among the consequences of RFA and sublobar resections [ 10 ] . But to our cognition, this is the first study which specifically focuses on cryoablation in patients with medically inoperable phase I NSCLC. In the present survey, cryoablation was done safely in all patients. Reduction in pneumonic map after cryoablation was besides minimum in this survey, although the pneumonic map trial was done largely in patients with comparatively good pneumonic maps who could adequately execute the trial. The incidences of the most common complications, which were pneumothoraces, and pleural gushs, were comparable to those antecedently reported for RFA [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , [ 12 ] , [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] . The reported local control rates for RFA intervention of inoperable phase I NSCLC ranged from 58 to 69 % [ 5 ] , [ 6 ] , [ 12 ] , [ 13 ] , [ 14 ] . The local control rate was somewhat higher in the present survey ( 97 % ) , presumptively because in our survey the tumours were 3 centimeter or less, really largely 2 centimeter or less, whereas old RFA surveies included tumours which were 4 centimeter or less. As for the one patient with local return, we speculate that the primary cause of local patterned advance was deficient border of extirpation. Although 2 investigations were used in this instance, it was hard to define the relationship between the border of extirpation and the border of the tumour on CT because of the implicit in IPF. We consider that farther accretion of experience is necessary to better intervention outcomes in such instances. The overall and disease-free endurance at 3 old ages were better than that antecedently reported for RFA [ 5 ] , 88 % and 67 % versus 47 % and 39 % , severally. This was besides presumptively because in our survey the tumours were 3 centimeter or less, whereas the old RFA survey included tumours which were 3-4 centimeter. In our survey, there were 6 patients with disease patterned advance other than local return, but the figure of patients was excessively little to measure if there is any characteristic form of disease patterned advance after lung malignant neoplastic disease cryoablation. Determination of medical inoperability is critically of import and should be assessed by an interdisciplinary squad. A patient should non be judged as inoperable by one factor entirely, such as hapless pneumonic map. Therefore the appraisal of medical operability requires a comprehensive rating of multiple factors in the patient. To this terminal, the group of patients in the present survey all had important associated comorbidities, with CCIs of A ; gt ; = 3. This mark has been validated in surgically resected patients with lung malignant neoplastic disease [ 15 ] , [ 16 ] . In these studies, multivariate analysis showed that a CCI A ; gt ; = 3 was a important prognostic factor of increased hazard of major complications. In the current survey, the patients who underwent cryoablation were aged ( average age, 72 old ages ) , had important comorbidities ( average CCI, 5 ) , and hence, were considered to stand for a bad population for surgery. Although farther followup is needed, so f ar merely one patient in this survey has died of lung malignant neoplastic disease, and other 2 patients have died of their comorbidities. This consequence suggests that minimally invasive intervention options such as cryoablation may really be appropriate for patients with significant comorbidities. In footings of efficaciousness, there is grounds to propose that cryoablation may ensue in improved local control in comparing to RFA in nephritic tumours [ 17 ] , but to our cognition there are no surveies comparing the two modes in lung tumours. Since this is a retrospective, experimental survey with a comparatively short followup in a limited figure of extremely selected patients subjected to multiple prejudices, farther surveies are necessary to more suitably address the results of cryoablation in comparing to RFA for early phase lung malignant neoplastic disease. SBRT is besides germinating to be a promising intervention option for early phase lung malignant neoplastic disease, with singular betterments in efficaciousness and safety. The indicants for SBRT and ablative processs are expected to be really similar, and farther surveies are necessary to define the strengths and failings of each of these modes, which may be complementary instead than reciprocally sole. Travel to: Footnotes Competing Interests: The writers have declared that no viing involvements exist. Support: No external support was received for this survey. Travel to: How to cite Patient And Tumor Characteristics Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Sensory Adaptation free essay sample

Sensation is described as the stimulus of the receptors that our brain receives whenever we utilize any of our five senses such as hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, or touching. Sensation travels through a process called transduction, which converts, by sensors in the body, of psychical signals from the environment into neural signals sent to the central nervous system (S amp; G, 2011, pg. We will write a custom essay sample on Sensory Adaptation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 94). When you walk into a college dorm room, the aroma of marijuana is overwhelming at first, but after a few minutes the smell fades. When you first wake up in the morning and put a clean pair of underwear on, you initially feel them rubbing against your skin, but after a few minutes you get used to it. These are examples of sensory adaptation, the observation that sensitivity to prolonged stimulation tends to decline over time as an organism adapts to current conditions (S amp; G, 2011, pg. 94). This adaptation allows people to adapt to their environments while balancing the need to receive new sensory input. One of the best ways to illustrate sensory adaptation is to relate the eye to its environment. For example, if you go to the movie theater and sit for a couple of hours in darkness, then walk out into the bright sunlight on a clear day, it is going to take a few minutes for your eyes to adjust. The level of light has not changed. The receptors inside the eye have adjusted their sensitivity. Sensory adaptation is a very useful process for most living creatures. It would be quite irritating if one always felt their tongue inside their mouth or constantly heard daily background noises. This past summer I lived with two individuals who smoked marijuana regularly, so when I returned home from worked, it initially took a few minutes for my senses to adapt to the environment I had just entered. After staying in the house for awhile, the smell seems to fade away, when in reality I am adapting to the environment through sense of smell. Toward the end of the summer, I had become so familiar with the scent and adapted to the environment, I no longer noticed the heavy stench. Conversely, friends that would come to visit would comment on the intensity of the smell because they had not been exposed to it.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Paradise Lost Essays (1970 words) - Religion, Abrahamic Religions

Paradise Lost John Milton divided the characters in his epic poem Paradise Lost into two sides, one side under God representing good, and the other side under Satan representing evil and sin. Milton first introduced the reader to the character Satan, the representative of all evil, and his allegiance of fallen angels that aided in his revolt against God (Milton 35). Only later did Milton introduce the reader to all powerful God, leader and creator of all mankind (John). This introduction of Satan first led the reader to believe acts of sin were good, just like Eve felt in the Garden of Eden when she was enticed by Satan to eat the fruit off of the Tree of Knowledge (Milton 255). The later introduction of The Almighty had the readers change their feelings towards sin, as the ways of God were introduced to them and these ways were shown to be the way to feel and believe. This levy of good vs. evil carried on throughout the poem with the interaction of Satan and his fallen angels with God and his son in Heaven. The common representation of sin and evil came from the lead character in the battle against God, Satan. His name means "enemy of God." He was a former high angel from Heaven named Lucifer, meaning, "light bearer" (John). Satan became jealous in Heaven of God's son and formed an allegiance of angels to battle against God, only for God to cast them out of Heaven into Hell (Milton 35). This did not bother Satan at first since he became the leader in Hell rather than a servant in Heaven. Satan believed that it was, "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven" ( I-l. 263). Much of Satan's reliance on getting things accomplished came from his ability to lie and deceive. He lied to the fallen angels about the Son and his "vice-regency" in Heaven in order for them to follow him instead of The Son. He also concealed his true self by hiding in the body of a serpent when presenting himself to Eve in the Garden of Eden (Blessington 32). She would not have been as easily tempted into sin had he not concealed his true form. In addition, Satan showed the reader a large amount of anger and destructiveness when he planned his revenge on God (Milton 62). Satan even found pleasure in the pain and destruction of other people and things, "To do aught good never will be our task, / But ever to do ill our soul delight" (qtd. in Blessington 32). It is clear the feelings and views of Satan represented evil. With Satan and his battle against God, he formed an allegiance of fallen angels to help him carry out his evil goals. Satan placed his chief supporter named Beelzebub in charge of the fallen angels, and getting them together to form the Demonic Council to serve as an administration for Hell (John). Milton described Beelzebub as being a " Majestic, wise statesman" (qtd. in Bush 265) in his leadership abilities of this council. Although Satan put Beelzebub in charge, it was not because of Beelzebub's abilities, but due to the fact Satan was able to trick his chief supporter easily into expressing his beliefs instead of Beelzebub's own. With Satan's ability to deceive Beelzebub easily, he will easily mislead the Demonic Council into carrying out his evil ideas against God in Heaven. The council held a meeting in the capital of Hell called Pandemonium, where the reader is introduced to all of the fallen angels, and learned their evil ideas of revenge against God and Heaven. The first fallen angel that spoke at the meeting was Moloch, who was the "strongest and fiercest spirit that fought in Heaven, now fiercer by despair" (Milton, II-l. 44-45). He came forth with a "suicidal battle philosophy" (Blessington 39), promoting open war in Heaven. He was very aggressive in nature, and did not care if God destroyed the fallen angels in the battle, as long as they fought in revenge (Bush 258). The second fallen angel that spoke at the meeting was the false and hollow angel named Belial. He represented true passivity towards fighting (Blessington 40). He conceded to God's power, realizing they would easily be defeated (John). Up next came the "least erected spirit that fell from Heaven" (Milton I-l. 679) named Mammon, who was characterized by greed and tangible wealth. When Mammon was in Heaven, he desired the golden floors he walked on better than desiring

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Galapagos Essays - Coleopterists, Evolutionary Biologists

Galapagos Essays - Coleopterists, Evolutionary Biologists Galapagos I. First Reactions A. After I read Galapagos, I thought it was a good story. It was a little different from other novels I have read in that the author, Kurt Vonnegut, had a different style than most other authors. I liked how he made comments about humans big brains that always gave them foolish or reckless ideas that almost always had negative results. The way he showed how a world changed because people no longer thought that paper money was valuable provoked many thoughts about how something like that could actually happen. B. I saw myself a few times throughout the book. For example, I saw myself in Mandarax; always a source of some information, none of which is of use to most people. Mandarax would always have something to say under any circumstance, but usually what it said had nothing to do with what was going on. Much like an internet search engine, you give it a bit of information and in return you get a whole lot of nothing. I also saw myself in Leon Trout. When the blue tunnel into the afterlife came for him, he didnt want to go until he found out what happened to the people on the ship. Once I start reading something and it gets to a situation where someone is in trouble; I dont like to stop until I know they are safe. From this story I learned a lesson. Dont always trust your big brain?! Though it may tell the rest of your body to do the things that make you live and breathe, it will sometimes tell you to something that might endanger or kill you. For instance, Mary Hepburns brain told her to put a plastic dress bag over her head to kill herself. I also learned to not judge someone by first sight or based on little knowledge. When Mary Hepburn first met James Wait, he was feeding some starving children. She immediately thought that he was a good guy and she really liked him before she knew anything about him. It turns out that Wait is a con man who has robbed and widowed many women. Mary Hepburn would never know that, however. After I read the book, I was somewhat inspired to make a friend. Someone like Leon Trout, he has been around for a while and would probably have quite a bit to say. He has had many experiences and would be able to help you out when your big brain got you in trouble or hurt or what not. He would probably be an incredibly good history tutor too. I learned some things about the Galapagos Islands as well. The book spoke of the mating rituals of blue footed boobies and how marine iguanas digest seaweed and some other information about Charles Darwin and what he thought about the place. II. Point of View A. The point of view would have to be first-person, but the character that the author inhabits is dead and can see into the minds of people. With this ability, the author goes into the minds and hearts of anyone he wants. He does this a lot to give a background of each of the characters. He goes into their past thoughts and actions and gives a general idea of how each of the characters thinks and responds to different situations. It helps to get a feel for the personality of everyone as well. B. The point of view greatly influenced the perception of the story. If the author couldnt get into the minds of each of the characters, the reader wouldnt be able to know what the person was thinking, which played a good part in the story. Particularly because the author made mention to how the great big brains of one million years ago (1986 A.D.) gave people all of these thoughts and ideas that people today cant do with their smaller brains. The story might have been different told from another point of view. Had it been told from the objective point of view, the author wouldnt have been able to effectively get across the ideas of the great big brains that the characters had. Nor would he have been able to give his own insights and ideas about the characters. The point of view played a big role in being able to tell the story effectively. III. Commentary on Plot and Structure A. The title of

Friday, November 22, 2019

Acetone - Background of the Study Essay Example for Free

Acetone – Background of the Study Essay ? Familiar household uses of acetone are as the active ingredient in nail polish removers and as paint thinner. Acetone can also be used for medical and cosmetic uses, such as applying acetone with alcohol for acne treatments to peel dry skin. It can also remove residues from glass and porcelain and it can also remove super glue from the skin. Perhaps, acetone is very useful in our everyday lives. Acetone is also known to remove ball pen marks on fabrics and clothings. It has ethyl acetate that is said to remove ball pen stains. Most people accidentally rubs ball pen marks on their clothing on a daily basis. The study was done to find out if acetone is more effective and easier to remove ball pen marks on clothings or fabrics than normal laundry detergent. The study aims to answer the following questions: 1. What is a more effective and easier way in removing ball pen stains on fabrics? 2. Is acetone effective in removing ball pen marks? If the ball pen mark is removed and the clothing is cleaner and whiter using acetone then acetone is more effective and easier way to remove ball pen marks on the clothing. The study was done to find out if acetone is effective in removing ball pen marks. The study will help mostly students and working adults and everyone who uses ball pen. They will benefit because most of the users have their ball pens blotting on a daily basis. The amount of bleach and acetone used is 20 ml. The ball pen mark is of the same size. Even the cloths are of the same type. This means that the study is limited to these amounts only. This study is limited to testing which among bleach or acetone can remove a simple ball pen mark effectively. According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethyl_acetate#Uses, Ethyl Acetate is the solvent present in acetone that can remove the ball pen marks. It is also stated that ethyl acetate is also present in some hairsprays, alcohol, etc. The researchers recommend repeating the testing using different cloths and different amounts of bleach and acetone to test other possibilities. It is also suggested that the researchers use warm water for washing the cloths. Removing ball pen marks- http://housekeeping.about.com/od/stainremoval/a/inkstains.htm Acetone – Background of the Study. (2016, Dec 31).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A jornal opinion article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A jornal opinion article - Essay Example The country’s exports also fell, considerably, due to slow-down of economies in countries like China and Euro zone nations. According to the article, the corporate decision makers are delaying their investment plans, as they have their own apprehensions on Federal Budget Policies and forthcoming US elections. These factors, among others are reasons for delaying the investment decisions by those responsible for corporate spending. As they are delaying the implementation of big projects, partly due to slow demand, world-wide, the big businesses are looking forward to government action on issues involving ‘tax cuts’ and ‘fiscal deficit’. During the meeting with President Obama, top executives of leading companies, including Apple and JP Morgan Chase agreed to work together for betterment of investment climate in the country. As the article date is 19 Nov 2012, it informs the readers that the spending by major corporate businesses was excellent during the whole year, except the recent months when it slowed down considerably. This was supported by the figures quoted in the article, which showed that S&P’s listed 500 stock index companies spent around $ 580 billion on the purchase of plant and equipment for business expansion. However, the reversal in the capital expenditure plans, during the third quarter of 2012 was a sign of worry for the future, although the current scenario presented in the article was not that gloomy. The slow down was due to lower fuel prices, higher job opportunities and better housing market. The article has held the global slowdown responsible for the reversal of investment plans in third quarter of 2012. Giving an example of reducing demand of coal and other minerals in China, the article informs that the result of this has been reduced orders for earth moving and other heavy equipment for American giant ‘Caterpillar Inc.’. Other areas of concern provided by

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Islamic legal system Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Islamic legal system - Research Paper Example It is for this practice of corporal punishment in Islamic countries that they fail to gain membership in the European Union. In the document released by European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia in 2006, focus is given to the status of Muslim population in the European Union. The document states that owing to the reason of Muslim people’s increased participation in terrorist activities a fear has generated in regards to the entire Muslim race, called Islamophobia. Due to this fear even, the Muslim members in the European Union are facing a disadvantageous position. The article ‘World of Islam’ puts focus on a highly controversial issue regarding the Islamic religion. It is held that the religion of Islam has helped itself in spreading rapidly throughout the world through high amount of bloodsheds and a sense of Imperialism. However, the article argues that the religion of Islam condemns forceful transformation of people to Islamic religion. It rather encourages the growth of other religions. In the article on ‘Islam: The second largest world religion†¦and growing’ (n.d.) it is stated that Islamic religion has a huge number of followers spread throughout the world. An estimate is provided which mentions that Muslim population throughout the world ranges from 0.7 to 1.8 billion. In regards to the above fact, it is stated that by the middle of the twenty first century Islam would turn into the world’s largest religion. Author Vicki Gallay in the article ‘The Religion of Muslim’ states that Muslims mainly compose the regions of Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Nigeria. Moreover, he also states that amongst the entire Muslim population in the world 25 percent belong to Middle East countries while in America the Muslim population stands at 6 million. In the document of ‘The Ideal Personality of a Muslim’ (n.d.) it is stated

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Quality Associates Essay Example for Free

Quality Associates Essay In this case, we have Quality Associates, Inc. a consulting firm advising its client about sampling and statistical procedures that can be used to control their manufacturing process. Their client has offered samples to be analyzed, so they can quickly learn whether the process is operating satisfactorily or corrective actions needs to be taken. The numbers given in the case were as follows: assumed population standard deviation is equal to . 21, sample size is equal to 30 and the test value of the mean was 12. They also stated the two hypotheses to be tested: the null hypothesis that the population is equal to 12 and the alternative hypothesis that the mean is not equal to 12. This indicates a two tailed tests to determine whether or not to reject the null hypothesis. The 4 provided sample sizes each contained 30 observations, indicating a normal distribution and z test statistics. Methodology The first question required conducting a hypothesis test for each sample at the . 01 level of significance. Based upon the test, determine if any corrective actions need to be taken. There are two approaches to hypothesis testing, the p-value approach and the critical value approach. The first step for the p-value approach was to calculate the mean for each sample. In order, they were: 11. 9587| 12. 0287| 11. 8890| 12. 0813| Next, was to calculate standard error, by using the formula sigma divided by the square root of n. This came out to be . 0383. To find the z test statistic subtract the test value of 12 from the sample mean and divide by the standard error. The z test statistic for each sample were as follows: -1. 0966| 0. 7493| -2. 8982| 2. 1227| The 1 tail p-value could then be found by using the normsdist function in Excel. This function indicates probability to the left of the value, so positive numbers were subtracted from 1. Since this is a two tailed test, the values were multiplied by two to find the actual p-value. 0. 2728| 0. 4536| 0. 0038| 0. 0338| The rule for the p-value two tail test is to reject Ho if the p-value is smaller than or equal to alpha, the alpha in this case being . 01. At . 038, the p-value for sample 3 was less than the significance level set by the client. Sample 3 provides evidence to reject Ho and accept Ha. However, samples 1, 2 and 4 all have p-values larger than alpha, indicating that the process is working satisfactorily with a mean equal to 12. According to samples 1,2 and 4, corrective measures do not need to be taken. A second approach to hypothesis testing is the critical value approach, which states to reject Ho if the z value is larger than z alpha/2 or smaller than –z alpha/2. Alpha was given at . 1, alpha/2 is equal . 005. Table 8. 1, Values of Z alpha/2 for the most commonly used Z values, in the book states that for alpha/2 equal to . 005, the z value is equal to 2. 576. This is the z critical value for a two tailed test, outside of which lies the rejection area. Again, out of the 4 samples, only one had a critical value in the rejection area. The z value of sample 3, -2. 8982, was smaller than the z critical value of -2. 576. This leads to a rejection of Ho. Samples 1,2, and 4 all fall between the 2 critical values and provide evidence to not reject Ho. Assumption Based on the results of the hypothesis tests, both p-value approach and critical value approach, corrective action should be taken for sample 3. Samples 1,2 and 4 provide evidence that we cannot reject Ho, and therefore the client can assume that the process is operating satisfactorily. The second question asked to compute the standard deviation for each individual sample. Using the stdev function in Excel, the standard deviation for each sample are as follows: 0. 2204| 0. 2204| 0. 2072| 0. 2061| Assumption Based on the standard deviations calculated for each sample, the assumption of . 21 for the population standard deviation appears reasonable. An average of the 4 individual sample standard deviations is equal to . 2135, which can be rounded down to . 21. The third question asked to compute limits for the sample mean equal to 12. Condition was that as long as a new sample mean is within those limits, the process will be considered to be operating satisfactorily. If X exceeds the upper limit or if the X is below the lower limit, corrective actions will be taken. The formula for calculating upper and lower control limits is Using x bar equal to 12, z alpha/2 equal to 2. 576 and the standard error equal to . 0383, the upper limit was equal to 12. 0987 and the lower limit was equal to 11. 9013. Assumption Based on the upper (12. 0987) and lower (11. 9013) control limits calculated for a mean equal to 12, sample 3 falls outside the control limit with a mean of 11. 8890. Because the mean exceeds the lower limit, it indicates that corrective action needs to be taken. Assumptions Increasing the level of significance to a larger value will lead to rejecting the null hypothesis more often. If the level of significance is increased to . 05, both samples 3 and 4 will provide evidence to reject the null hypothesis instead of just sample 3. This means that the client is more willing to make a Type I error, mistakenly rejecting Ho when it is true. This means that they run the risk of having to stop their manufacturing process to take corrective action more often.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 Essay -- essays research pa

It has always been man’s dream to see and understand the future in an attempt to prepare himself for events which will eventually unfold. This hope is the premise for futuristic novels like George Orwell’s 1984, which, step by step, moves through the life of a rebellious citizen trapped in a world of deceit and propaganda. Very few people have been exposed to such a treacherous environment as Oceania, where Winston, the main character, resides. Therefore, it was necessary for the author to interject certain literary devices to allow for the ability to better relate to a character in Winston’s situation. To accomplish this, Orwell utilizes the theme of individuality versus tyranny, foreshadowing, and irony, in order to fully extract all possible motives behind Winston’s actions.Many countries, such as the United States, are founded on principles of individuality reigning over tyranny, more specifically, the freedom of choice. However, in the futuristic Oceania, run by â€Å"Big Brother†, such freedom and individuality is, for the most part, completely suspended. To act impulsively, or choose to oppose Big Brother, is a â€Å"thoughtcrime† of dire consequence. This is the basis behind the Inner Party’s control of Oceania. Winston however, from the commencement of the novel, showed that he was not willing to conform to such a tyrannical society. From his writing â€Å"DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER† in his diary as the novel opened, to his relationship with Julia, which was considered sexcrime in Oceania, Winston proved his thoughts were antiparallel to those of the Inner Party. The fact that Winston was so ready to rebel was quite courageous in that he knew people who opposed The Party, or were to educated, like Syme, were vaporized. The members of the Inner Party recognized the abilities of an educated man to see through the propaganda of Oceania, and would therefore tolerate nothing but ignorance. Winston, however, continued to oppose the state, and commited, in many ways, both thoughtcrime and sexcrime. He joined the Brotherhood, run by Oceania’s first public enemy, Goldstein, and even reads a book published by the man. This action follows Winston’s open attempt to befriend O’Brien in a society which would not condone such outward behavior. The reasoning behind the condemnation of friendship was that it was believed that friendship could lead to alliances that would threate... ...at such a situation could actually become a reality where that mere thought of a situation could bear vaporization. Though the United States has remained a society based around choice, the antithesis of the fictional Oceania, it cannot be denied, that as technology gains more and more influence over common lives, the destruction of choice by misused technology becomes more and more realistic. Orwell uses literary devices like foreshadowing, themes, and irony to constitute a world he invented in 1948. Though the overall mechanics of Oceania are false, many of the inventions and beliefs put forth by the novel, have come to exist. Between computers, mind-control experiments, and the overproduction of technological propaganda, the purpose of Orwell’s novel, a forewarning of possibilities facilitating in society’s inability to control the monsters it creates, is well served. Society must continually advance, for the health and survival of civilization. But, as evidenced by a common hope that no situation similar to that of Oceania occurs, this continuous advance must be made with continuos knowledge and restraint, in order to preserve a way of life society to often takes for granted.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Journey On The North Coast Essay

Language Techniques: Colloquial phrases which specify a location and suggests a sense of time. He starts in the middle of a sentence Adverbs_ sequential ordering the different stages of the journey (now the man is gone) Prepositions (eg I was on board) authenticates the experience. Shows you exactly what he is doing. Active verbs – he embraces the present experiences that allow for past memory to be recalled (eg. I see from where I’m bent, one of those bright crockery days) Written in free verse – irregularity, run on lines, enjambment First Persona and subjective imagery: he is rested. The journey has renewed him – rejuvenated him. Persona creates an immediacy in the shared experience. Rhythm of the train: soaring, evokes imagery of rapid changing landscape – the diversity of Australia, kinesthetic movement that supports the onomatopoeia makes it so immediate and dramatic. Eg the rattling of the train. Simple diction to suggest immediate everyday engagement of common experiences to be shared. Anecdotal experiences about the ‘other’ person and his reaction. The effect of the periodic structure of the sentences dramatictizes the idea and suggests its importance – first three lines we think he could be on a boat. Describing something then four lines later he will tell you the most important thing. This builds the tension. Shelve the most important idea. Language is used to show the relationship and the bond formed between place and object and experience. Words such as now (preposition and adverb of time). Symbiotic experiences between events inside the train, influenced by the movement of train. Tone is excited, animated and joyful at recalling memory of a childhood. Metaphoric: crockery days. Immediately links to a happy childhood. Crockery day = significant day. Combining the idea of synergy and perfect form in feeling completely restored by a journey – uses jagged images which disconnect to show that each separate perception – supports the whole experience.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The aim of this experiment was to investigate whether or not certain foods contained the different food groups

Abstract – The aim of this experiment was to investigate whether or not certain foods contained the different food groups. If it turned black that meant it had starch, if it turned red that meant it had glucose, if it turned purple it meant it had protein and if it turned clear/transparent it had fat. The equipment used was vegetable oil, pallet, pipette, starch, glucose, albumin, iodine solution, and Benedict’s solution and copper sulphate solution. The method was simple, mixing each type of food with the food group to see if it would change colour and if it contained this food group, for example if iodine was added to starch and its colour changed it will have contained iodine in it. Introduction – All the processes of life require energy, and this energy comes from food groups. Carbohydrates provide energy for movement and this is made up of carbon, hydrogen and sugar. It is found in cereals and pasta. Proteins are used to assist growth and repair for the body it is made up of amino acids and is found in meat and fish. Fats are used to provide a concentrated source of energy and to insulate the body in cold temperatures. Saturated fats are obtained from animals such as meat; however polyunsaturated fat comes from vegetables. Vitamins are necessary in small amounts for growth however different vitamins have different functions; vitamin A is required to give good vision and it is from vegetables such as carrots. Vitamin B releases energy from food and it is obtained from milk and bread. Vitamin C gives healthy skin and this is from oranges and other fruits. Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium and this comes from margarine and oily fish. The digestive system has two main functions, one of them is to convert food into nutrients in what the body requires, the other functions is to remove any waste which may be in the body. Method – Starch test: First collect the food sample (liquid) and add a few drops of iodine solution (yellow/brown) and then check if the colour changes from yellow/brown to blue black ink then it will contain starch. Fat test: We collected the food sample and we put it on a piece of paper and if it went through it contains fat. Protein test: After we collected the food samples which were liquid in a test tube and added 5 drops of copper sulphate and 5 drops of sodium hydroxide and if the colour changes from blue to purple then the food sample does contain protein. Sugar : First collect the food samples in a test tube and add a few drops of benedicts solution. Then place the test tube in a boiling water bath. If the colour changes from blue to green and then to orange to red the sample contains sugar. The colour changes depending on the concentration of the sample. (P6) The body requires all the nutrients to remain healthy however different people will need a different variety and portion size compared to others, for example athletes will need a high diet in carbohydrates and meat because they need it to release energy and strengthen their bones more than an office worker would need it, however an office worker will need a lot of vitamin A because it spends its time on the computer working and this can damage their eyes. If a person ate too much of the food groups then that person will have become over nourished and if that isn’t worked off then the body will become fatter and overweight, too much fatty foods and oils cause this. However if a person ate too less of the food groups then that person will become under nourished which means that the body will become skinny and underweight. This is caused due to a lack of diet. If a person ate too less of vitamin A then the eyes will have problems seeing at night however if it was too less vitamin C then the mouth will become affected and it will develop scurvy. The body has different enzymes which digest the different food groups – Protease is the enzyme which attains to the breakdown of protein, Lipase is the enzyme which attains to the breakdown of fat and amylase is the enzyme which attains to the breakdown of starch. Method – Mixing each of the food groups into the different test such as iodine test to see if it has this substance in it. Other enzymes such as Maltase digests maltose to glucose, Lactase digests lactose to glucose and galactose, Sucrose digests sucrose to glucose and fructose.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Describe the Variety of specifically religious programmes on the main television channels Essay Example

Describe the Variety of specifically religious programmes on the main television channels Essay Example Describe the Variety of specifically religious programmes on the main television channels Essay Describe the Variety of specifically religious programmes on the main television channels Essay Essay Topic: Main Street In my coursework I will investigate the relationship between Religionand the media. I will also look at how religion is portrayed indifferent types of programmes and will investigate whether TV influences what we think of religion.The information that we receive is not always accurate because if there is someone talking about Christianity then it does not mean that they are telling the audience what all Christians believe but they could be telling what some or most Christians believe as in one religion there can be followers with a many different beliefs.The same goes for any religion and if a person is giving an interview about a religion and does not belong to that religion it does not mean that its absolutely correct. These interviews can sometimes create a stereotypical idea of a religion in our minds and it is not correct to do this, yet it is justified that someone should have an idea of a religion but not necessarily have a stereotype.Sometimes, the information can be reliable but not necessarily accurate because there can always be research carried out to find out more information that we have received. In certain television programmed there is also not enough time to go into too much detail and be able to know the whole information and so sometimes research does have to be carried out.There are many types of television programmes aired on television especially on a Sunday this is probably because a Sunday is commonly known as a Worship day known for the Christians as the Sabbath and one of the very famous programmes aired on TV is called Songs of praise which is shown on ITV in BBC1.Worship programmes are shown regularly on many channels such as Morning worship is shown at 8.10 am. This programme mainly shows a service exploring the theme of contentment from High fields Church in Cardiff, led by Rev Peter Baker. The programme also includes Readings: Psalm 34:4-18 and Philippians 4:8-20. This programme is a Christian programme but is not only aimed at t he followers of Christianity but those who like to explore religions in detail and are always keen to learn new things.A very good example of a religious discussion programme is The Big Questions. It airs on BBC1 at 10.00 am. In this programme Nicky Campbell presents a topical debate from Michaelston Community College in Cardiff. There are usually three main questions that are focused on such as on e.g.:* Should parents teach children that sex is wrong?To answer this question Nicky Campbell who is the host will first introduce the question further and also talk about a few points from an opposing argument as well as a supporting one. The question will then be open to the audience accompanying him and they will have the chance to express their views. The people giving the views will be parents and teachers, so the people that have different views to do with the question.* Do we place too much value on appearance?When the previous question has been answered then the second question is introduced and gone through the same procedure.* Should we have a right to privacy?Then finally the last question is introduced, also gone through the same procedure. When answering the question not the same people are asked to answer the question because it is encouraged to have a vast variety of different views and so many people are asked to answer the question.This people on the 1.03.2009 discussed different views taken from the audience surrounding Nicky Campbell and there are also special guests such as doctors or teachers and people who have personally been involved in something linked to these questions. This programme does not only cover religious issues but moral issues as well. It would mainly appeal to 15 years and plus age group because it is also very educational, also because the audience gets involved usually the viewer gets involved as well.Religious documentaries can last from one to one and a half hours and are shown on BBC2 in Channel 4. A very good documentary that we recently watched was Everyman this covered the topic of Death Row very effectively. We had Sister Helen always talking about all the things that she witnessed and how her feelings were at that time. We were also shown the work she did and the people she worked with. We are shown that despite being a Christian and sister what kind of views she has. This programme was very informative and every age group above 16 would be attracted to this as it is so interesting. The programme is also very emotional and there is a sympathy that you can feel for them as well.Songs of Praise is a worship programme. Worship programmes are thelongest running type of specifically religious programme. Most worshipprogrammes are to do with the Christian faith and contains hymns,sermons, readings from The Bible and interviews.Songs of praise comes on at BBC 1 at around 5.00 pm. The programme that I watched was on the 6th June.2009.The programme is about The Church and covers certain ones in each epis ode in this case the church in central London was covered we are not only shown hymns throughout the programme but gain general knowledge about Trafalgar square in the heart of London. We learn about the reasons for certain statues being there, and about some other architectural master pieces around there.At intervals there are different people singing first it was local people and then it went to the Choir singing which repeat after some information in the programme has been given, all the campaigns that have and are being held in the square and the previous protests that were carried out. It also tells about the of Christians that were involved and how some things carried out relate to the actions of Christ.It is mainly aimed at Christians but other people can watch it since it contains interviews and history about places. People would like it because it is a programme which can increase your knowledge but then others might not because it mainly covers Christianity and not the ot her religions.I personally think that this programme is really good because it is educational and also has a society because there are people in it that come together such as the choir and not only tat but also talk about some of the architectural objects and places around which gives a feel of togetherness and community within it and that is what makes a programme interesting. It does not only consist of hymns but has praise of Christ, local singers, normal people and God. Overall I think that everyone should be attracted to this but there are people that might not agree with me in this such as even some Christians themselves because in this programme when the viewers are shown that there are protests being held to get their message across then the Christians might have the believe that this is not right because their religion should be shown as being a peaceful and calm religion and not a forcing one which uses the power of its people to get what they want.A (ii): EuthanasiaIn ou r lesson we covered the topic of Euthanasia. Euthanasia means a gentle and easy but very commonly assisted death. One source we used to demonstrate this was the soap opera called Holby City which covered the issue of Euthanasia and also portrayed how a topic like Euthanasia is covered in the media. This topic was shown like a Fairytale and seemed like it was easy and could be performed by anyone in a calm and very happy manner.In Holby City we saw a woman called Gina who wants to end her life with the support of her friend. She is a Citizen of the United Kingdom but does not seem to take pride of that fact as in the UK you are not at any rate eligible to end your own life because it is illegal and if there is another person assisting the victim then there are severe consequences because that person broke the law.However there are some countries where Euthanasia is legal e.g.:Switzerland, Belgium, Holland. Gina decides to go to Switzerland where this is possible as well as legal and where she can go and fulfil her last wishes.In Switzerland Gina is assisted by her friend who is a doctor in the UK called Connie. Gina has not got the courage to tell her husband about the decision she has taken and is afraid of the fact that he will not bear her ending her life this way and make her come back home. He is also a doctor in the UK, she believes that her husband loves her too much. She wants her husband to lead a happier life without her as she thinks she is a large burden on her husband. She is so fed up of herself and can not stand to see her not being free and independent.While she is Switzerland she wishes to see her Husband and whenever his name is mentioned she gets into this depressed and upset mood. Connie can not bear to see her friend in such pain and so Elliot her Husband of what she is up to. Elliot hearing of this news takes the first plane to Switzerland to meet his beloved wife.When Gina is told this she is very delighted and is thankful to her friend t hat the last person she wanted to see before leaving this world is really going to be by her side.When her husband arrives they have a beautiful time together at a hotel and talk about all the things they have been through previously and how much they cherish each other. Both of them spent hours with each other and are not aware of what time it actually is. They are only happy to be with each other and want to talk about things that they have not talked about for almost a lifetime.In Switzerland euthanasia is treated in a very positive way. The beautiful scenery of flowers and mountains suggest that euthanasia is a good way to die. It is shown that it is a beautiful death because of Ginas appearance she is so well dressed, the new long cream coat, new hair cut, very light but attractive make up, as though she is ready to go on a date there is a day filled with happiness ahead of her. Looking at her in this state did not make her look sick at all and despite her having the motor neu ron disease she still is able to walk and every thing else is perfect.The music which was being played in the background called daydream was very calm and gave this romantic atmosphere.In the last few hours of Ginas life she says a few things to her husband: This is exactly how I planned it This quote suggests that she had always planned an easy and good death. There it is indeed nothing to be scared of she has been pilot of her own life, now she is the pilot of her own death.She argues that in the UK:Only Dogs are allowed to die with dignity but NOT Humans.This shows that Gina clearly thinks that one should be allowed to end their own life in peace, but England will always keep humans in pain who have the wish to end their lives and not be a burden towards their loved ones.Finally Gina died gracefully in her husbands arms after having the drink which contained the drug.Commenting on this soap opera I personally think that this Episode showed Euthanasia as being good. However, many people believe that God is the only one who crates life and he only has the right to take it away. We humans should respect this and make something out of the lives we are given. As Holby City covers the topic of euthanasia it is a great example of how an important topic like this is covered in the media and portrayed to make people feel differently about it. In this case as mentioned before euthanasia is shown to be something which should be tried by everyone and if it is not tried by everyone then it is a real shame because if someone has the advantage of having such a calm and dream fulfilled death then it is really a great opportunity to miss out on to not take advantage of it. The soap is literally telling us that why should you die a hurtful death filled with sadness and upset people when you have the solution right there for you need to meet the doctors, tell them that you have had enough of your life that you can not endure the pain anymore as death is shown as, nothing to worry about and no stress whatsoever.Christians oppose with the whole idea of Euthanasia because they believe all human life is made by God. God created every person, whether sick, healthy, disabled or able-bodied. Christians believe euthanasia is equivalent to murder as mentioned in the Bible. Christians believe that in a way we do not own our bodies. In the New Testament, Paul says You do not belong to yourself. Christians believe only God has a right to give or take a life. They believe that God has a plan for our life, even when we are suffering. Even if we think our life has finished, Christians believe God can use our life.However there is a minority of Christians who accept Euthanasia. They say that there is nothing in the Bible which states that a person must be kept alive at all costs. Jesus summarized the commandments of the Bible with the two Great Commandments Love God and Love your neighbour as yourself. These Christians say that sometimes it is the most loving thing t o do to allow a terminally ill patient to have euthanasia.I personally think that euthanasia is wrong and should not be legal in any country. If God has granted us life, it is for a reason and we should make use of that and take advantage of the things we possess and have control over. We should make ourselves useful and not mourn over things but we should think about the individuals who will give up anything to live the lives we are living and as the Prophet Mohammad (saw) says:Hearsay is not like seeingOne should really believe in something he knows for sure and has seen it with their own eyes but not get something positive out of this episode of Holby City because that is only a soap opera and a fictional programme.A (iii): Film GhostThe film I have chosen to study is called Ghost, it follows the theme of Life after Death and stars Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze as the two lead characters in the film.The storyline portrays a happy couple that get split from one anotherdue to the tragic death of Sam, played by Patrick Swayze. DemiMoore plays his girlfriend, Molly who struggles to come to terms with his death.When Sam got killed he did not go to heaven nor hell, butbecame a ghost and watched over his partner that he was forced to leave behind. As a ghost Sam became aware of why he was murdered anddiscovers that his Mollys life is in danger as well and so does all that he can to stop her from being killed too.Christians believe that when you die you go either to heaven orhell. Hell is a place where people go to live another life of eternalpunishment. Those sent to hell by God committed sins or deeds that he does not approve of. Hell is a place of disaster and destruction, a place for deep, sincere punishment. However, some Christians do believe that going to hell is not always a decision made by god, but by the individual. Christians believe that heaven is a place to be with god in unity. A place where all trouble disappears and everyone lives in harmony. The joyful and pleasant surroundings sort out anything that is left unfinished upon earth.Sam discovered that his lovers life was in danger, he had to find a way to communicate with her, and eventually was able to speak to Molly through a medium, Ode May Brown.Being able to say good bye to a loved one is seen as a great thing formany people to do and without it many people grieve even more for theyhave so many things that were never said. Like in the movie where Sam was never actually able to tell Molly through words how much he actually really loves her. Not to their surprise Molly did not believe the median and demanded proof in order to make herself believe what she was hearing then she was reminded from Sam through the Medium about the Sweater Molly knitted and the word ditto.The way that god takes you from the earth that he put you on is hisdecision and the time he does it is a decision of his too. He leavesyour body for the others on earth and takes your soul to heaven, hellor pur gatory. Depending upon where you go the soul is taken indifferent forms. We are shown in the film that if you are going to hell, a place where things are made for those who have not followed gods guidance then they are put into black. Creatures in long black coats that make unpleasant noises take the soul away. However, if the soul or ghost of a person is going to heaven then bright lights shine over them and have the free will to walk to heaven. If god does decides to place the soul in the place known as purgatory then a second body is created and that body lives the life until god to makes his final decision and also that is the same believe the same about the purgatory.Overall, reflecting upon all of the issues that this film raises I think that Christians would be pleased by the way that religious issues have been dealt with throughout. Even though there are no direct links to Christianity the film is built around a Christian structure. This film would appeal to everyone really and people of all ages can watch it but I think that mainly people who are interested as to what happens in Life after death would watch it and may be watch more movies linked to this topic and compare them. I would watch this film because I think that it is a very interesting film to watch covering the topic of Life after death. Also what some scriptwriters want to raise the awareness of e.g.: that souls are still roaming around if one their tasks are incomplete and also how they can get it done. However I think that people who have a modern mentality and their religion also does not teach about these matters will not find this film too attracted to because their attitude towards those matters will not change and they might end up finding this unrealistic as well as a waste of time.B: Television always presents religious people as out of touch with the modern world Agree or Disagree:I do not agree with the statement that religious people are always shown out of touch with the moder n world. As an overview, I would agree with the fact that some television writers do stereotype religious leaders and people as out of touch but some on the other hand do not. There are many examples present on everyday television that portray both sides of the argument from soaps to comedies and from dramas to films. I do understand the fact that some television writers have to make a religious person act in a certain way for the purpose of their production but that does not always have to be the case, sometimes the religious people are shown the way they are in real life such as there is a soap where there is The Vicar of Dibley a female Vicar and she acts nothing like the way a Vicar would e.g.: have sex before marriage. It is easy for people to say that religious people are out of touch with the modern world, but they might not even be really aware of the modern world. The modern world is the one we live in today, where religion is not an enormous issue for many people compared to 50 or 100 years ago. Today we live in such a diverse culture and are used to seeing so many religions and cultures together. Out of touch could mean a number of things as everyone has various ways of looking at a statement, but the basic idea that comes in my mind when I look at this statement is of being old-fashioned and not being capable of understanding the major issues of modern Society such as relationships, crime and politics.In East enders, a character called Alex was a protestant priest. The writers portrayed Alexs character as someone being committed to his job, a person over dedicated with work and out of touch with the modern world. In the soap, Alex had a friend called Sarah, a young teenage Christian who acted like Alex in terms of faith. She was very committed, enthusiastic, willing and was very social as she was always trying to share her views with anyone she could, with relatives, friends and neighbours. Alexs character changed dramatically as soon as he had a s exual relationship with a married woman. This made him more in touch with modern society in other words more human.The Vicar of Dibley is set in a rural village. All the characters are stereotype except from the vicar who is totally different. We have the village jester Alice Tinker she is married to the other village jester HugoHorton. Owen Newitt is one of the church council his breath stinks and he always swears. Now we come to the main character The Vicar Geraldine Grainger she is not a stereotypical vicar she swears, shes also always after men. The vicar of Dibley is nothing like a vicar she swears drinks and is always after men a stereotypical vicar would never do this and this makes he vicar fit in because it shows that she has a modern mentality and that her post does not come in her way of leading her life. That is also what the modern society like when people have something new and changed to show them.Film writers are also often accused of stereotyping religious people. I n the film Priest, the writers portrayed a couple of Catholic Priests, one of whom was trying to become more knowledgeable about everyday happenings in Society. This resulted in him breaking the Law of Celibacy by having a homosexual relationship with a man he met at a night-club. This situation did give him more knowledge about the issues faced by ordinary people in society, as the outcome of his deed meant that he lost his post. His dignity suffered because as a result of what he did the local newspaper reported the story. The priest may also have been considered as being out of touch in the film because when a young girl told him the story of her father committing incest at confession, he resisted the temptation to inform the mother to break the seal of the confessional.A similar event occurred in the police drama series A Touch of Frost, in which a Priest did break the seal and informed the police about a murderer confessing his guilt, therefore helping to catch the person who h ad come to confess in the church. This priest therefore put societys concerns above his duty to maintain confidentiality in confession.Many people would say that religious people do not have any fun or go out to enjoy them. I would disagree with this statement because not everybody has the same definition of fun. To a priest, fun may be his work or a work-related topic if that is what he enjoys. It was his choice to take up that post and fulfil the duty of a priest in the house of God.From all the evidence in my essay, I feel that I can justify concluding that the title statement is false. In todays society there are so many people that are influenced and there are not always good people out there. If a religious person does stay out of touch with the modern world then they might not get into things such as taking drugs and drinking alcohol. When we see celebrities today we hear everyday how someone has taken drugs and has been arrested but we do not see them linked with the religio us world and so they do not follow a faith. Whereas a person such as an Imam in Islam or a Priest in Christianity is at least protected from those kinds of bad things and does not need to worry. It is more about individual perspective about religion in the media because some people think that it some religions are portrayed inappropriately such as the Vicar of Dibley because that might make other religions think that Christians are not bothered of the purity of their religious posts.However, many characters in the variety of shows screened on terrestrial television today are seen by many as out of touch. By this it is meant that they are not willing to accept change and stick by their true traditional views. With todays world ever changing it means that out of touch people are made rare and are criticized more. Society today does not wait for people to catch up, and is leaving those who have pessimistic ideas behind. The changing world is ready for change and is so accepting change that is for the better and in some cases the worst. Quite simply someone who is in touch is the opposite of an out of touch person. If they are in-touch then they can appreciate things that are changing.I would look upon people like the Pope and Michael Willis as people who are out of touch for the reasons that they prefer to stick to the truly traditional views and that they have very backward opinions. Some fictional people in todays world who I would see as being out of touch are Dot Cotton (from East enders) and Harold Bishop (from Neighbours), I think this because they are both slightly older and thetelevision programs that they are in portray them as being too old to know any better. People Ned Flanders (from The Simpsons) is seen as being in-touch because he can bring humour into religion.Sports man Jonathon Edwards is an Olympic medal holder in his area of sport, the triple jump. Jonathon Edwards has made his religion of Christianity an important factor of his life, with the issues being things that are of great meaning andimportance to him. His sporting career is something that relates to his religion in some ways but not in others. In interviews relating to his sport he does not make references to his religion or make comments that might offend others. However, Jonathon Edwards does not want his sport to interfere with the truly traditionally values that come with his religion. For example at one sporting meeting Jonathon Edwards didnot want to jump because his event was being held on a Sunday. For Christians a Sunday is seen as being the holy day of rest and that traditionally it is the day that Christians use to go to church and worship god. Jonathon Edwards is somebody who I would class as being in-touch, for he can accept the views and opinions of others as well as keep his culture and tradition in mind.Generally I think that religious people are in touch with what is going on around them and can respond to these changes. It would be unfair to na me all religious people as being out of touch for the reason that there are many people who are not. When you walk down the street you will pass many deeply religious people without realizing it. They are not another type of person and do not wear large signssaying I am religious-keep clear. For many people it is not right to agree with the way that the world is changing and we have to agree with these opposing views for many agree with the views we have. I believe that everyone has the right to posses and express their own opinions freely. Everyone will have their own opinions of what they class to be in and out of touch and will see things differently.

Monday, November 4, 2019

International Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

International Finance - Assignment Example The economy of Thailand is still in its nascent stage. The managed floating rate of exchange along with the Inflation Targeting framework has worked well for the country under consideration. The flexibility in the exchange rate helps the economy in absorbing shocks. With the adoption of the above exchange rate, Thai Baht moves in line with the economic fundamental. It was seen that the Baht/US dollar exchange rate have fluctuated widely from 36-56 Baht/US dollar. But the exchange rate in the past few years. Blades Inc. wants to import many raw materials like plastic and/or rubber from Thailand. This would enable Blades to import them at much cheaper rate. Hence this would enable Blades Inc. to lower the cost of goods sold. Thailand is a weak economy and they are recovering from the effects which results in lower cost of goods. Importing from Thailand will help Blades Inc. in establishing long term relationship with the Thai suppliers. The company will definitely want to build a long term relationship so that they can make agreements with the suppliers in importing the costs at low prices. Blades Inc. by importing raw materials from Thailand will help achieve economies of scale in the production process such that it enjoys special advantages from them. Again by achieving specialization in production efficiency, Blades Inc. will be able to achieve economies of scale and which will in turn lead to lower cost of the products. This will in turn increase the net income of Blades, Inc. With increase in sales, Blades, Inc. will have an impact on profitability together with lowering the unit costs. Blades, Inc. will be able to sell roller blades in Thailand as the first firm. This will help the company to penetrate Thai market and thus they will be able to earn more profit for the company. If a situation comes where the US roller blades is saturated then exports in other countries will provide more opportunities

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Assignment 1. Apex Training Company Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment 1. Apex Training Company - Coursework Example Thirdly, formation of a sole-proprietorship firm helped Martha to save taxes related to business and professional revenues. Fourthly, setting up a sole-proprietorship business helped Martha gain on profits and revenue solely. She was not obliged here to share the revenues and profits earned with other business partners (Madura 160). Concerns about Sole-proprietorship Sole-proprietorship business, although it does have the above advantages, also has certain grave shortcomings, for which Martha’s accountant related his concerns. The salient disadvantages or shortcomings emanating from sole-proprietorship business can be underlined as follows. Firstly, it would be difficult for Martha, operating as a sole proprietor, to obtain loans from banks and financial institutions. Thus continual stress is imposed on personal finances of the sole proprietor. Moreover, the accountant was further concerned wit that the corporate investors tend to abstain from investing in sole-proprietorship firms owing to a greater fear of loss than in a partnership or other limited liability ventures. Thirdly, the clause of taking decisions in an autonomous fashion by the sole proprietor, though acting as an encouraging factor, can happen to create separate risks owing to possibility of different emergencies. Fourthly, the accountant was also concerned that running a sole-proprietorship firm, though encouraging, invites a large number of uncertainties owing to the possibility of an accident happening to the sole proprietor. At that time it would become difficult to carry on the business operations of the firm in an effective fashion (Williams and Murray 45). Advantages and Disadvantages of Partnership and LLC form of Business Formation of partnership form of business would relate the following advantages for Martha. Firstly, partnerships, being based on the mutual understanding of two or more people, are easy to form and are also supported by state legislation. Secondly, unlike sole-p roprietorship, the partnership form of business has the applicability for gaining loans from financial corporations. Thirdly, the business being formed with the help of two or more people would help Martha in gaining due help pertaining to business and operational expertise. Fourthly, the operation of the firm based on the decision of two or more members would help the business operate flexibly in changing external conditions. Fifthly, partnership form of business is exempted from income tax. The only tax levied is on the personal income of the partnership members. However, the partnership form of business also suffers from certain pitfalls like it makes the individual members liable for the total debt and malpractices irrespective of the conduct. Secondly, loss of mutual consent leads to conflicts among the members. Thirdly, profit sharing in partnership is a difficult affair owing to difference in time and capital rendered. Finally, calculation of a share of a member during his or her exit is a tedious affair in partnership business (Gitman and McDaniel 103-104). Again formation of a Limited Liability Company or LLC would help Martha in defining the limit of liability of the different members in the firm thus reducing the threat of bearing total losses. Secondly, a LLC company has the potential to perpetually exist unlike a partnership or

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Computer Manipulation of Photographs and Peoples Trust Essay

Computer Manipulation of Photographs and Peoples Trust - Essay Example Photographs are taken for identification of events, people, things and many other aspects (Goldberg 1991). Photographs are also thought to be a source of evidence for various purposes. With computer manipulation and editing of photographs for personal reasons, photography is not more considered as an evidence for reality. It is considered fake and somewhat containing lies (Brand, et.al 1985). With digital photography, the art of photo manipulation has become more easy and uncomplicated. The photographs that are captured digitally are stored in the computer in form of digital data (Brand, et.al 1985). This digital data can easily be edited and manipulated intentionally or unintentionally. In the market, there are various software programs available that offer the computerized manipulation of photographs. The computer manipulation of photographs is not considered illegal and people, media and other institutions employ the software programs for manipulating images according to their own requirements without any legal threat. We can take many examples of photographs as evidence. For a passport or identity card, photographs are required. Passports or identity cards are used for identifying a person with the help of his given photograph and concerning details. If the photograph is manipulated technologically with the help of the computer, it will give an edited version of the real person, which cannot be considered as wholly true. Passport or identity cards are sources of evidence of a person’s real identification but if the photographs attached with the identification cards are manipulated, no trust will be there. Before computer manipulation, trust in photographs as a form of evidence was there but after, technological development and launch of different software programs related to computer manipulation, people are being led towards distrusting the evidence of photographs (Goldberg 1991).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Topic Selection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Topic Selection - Essay Example It came to the attention of the Vice President for Nursing that their Nurse Managers are torn between prioritizing functions which are administrative in nature vis-Ã  -vis functions that cater to the delivery of patient care. Due to the Nurse Managers’ theoretical orientation for health care, the administrative tasks such as completion of reportorial requirements, monitoring and upkeep of equipment and supplies, staff requirements and budgeting are frequently neglected or seconded with priorities being focused to patient care. In this regard, the VP for Nursing sought the assistance of the VP for Human Resources and the CEO to resolve this issue. Every nursing unit in the hospital is headed by a nurse manager who is assigned as the chief head nurse on duty. Her job responsibilities entail patient care as the primary task and managerial functions such as planning, directing, staffing and control. These multi-task functions coupled with low pay contributed to low morale and low productivity. These nurses opted to gain the minimum experience required to enable them to leave the country and work abroad. The leadership function assigned to nurse managers conflict with their functions as providers of patient care. They are expected to deliver timely reports on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. They monitor staffing requirements. They prepare the time sheets for payroll purposes. And most importantly, they are expected to know all the nursing intervention requirements for all the patients are their nursing units. There is this question on prioritization of function. As nurses, of course, they should prioritize patient care. But as managers, the function of attending to the human resource needs of the unit suffers. Reports are not completed on their specified time schedules. Upkeep of facilities in patients’ rooms and hospital areas are not regularly attended to. Equipments that need

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Marketing plan and analysis of Al Hilal foods

Marketing plan and analysis of Al Hilal foods The brand has great opportunity to grow in cities other than Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Faisalabad and Multan as they have created much credibility in big cities of Pakistan. 11 Also it has opportunity to GO GLOBAL. Customers outside Pakistan have more loyal behavior towards Pakistani products so there is a chance for this brand to grow globally. 11 Threats: 11 3.Understand the construction of a marketing plan 12 3.1 Produce the marketing plan for your organization 12 Executive summary: 12 Current market situation: 13 SWOT analysis: 13 Objectives and issues: 14 Marketing strategy: 14 Action programs: 15 Controls: 15 3.2 Risk in marketing plan and Mitigation strategies: 15 Risks: 15 Mitigation strategies: 15 3.3 Importance of each component of the plan: 16 4.Understand to Promote the Marketing Plan in Support of Strategic Objectives 16 4.1 How the plan supports strategic objective: 16 Plans of Fresher and their support to objectives: 16 4.2 Outline an approach to gain agreement of the marketing plan: 17 5.Conclusion 17 6.References 19 Introduction to Al-Hilal Foods Al-Hilal foods is a Pakistani company owned by Mr. Ch. Farrukh Sattar. The organization exited about 10 to 15 years ago. At that time it made only one product line i-e Sultan Ghee. After flourishing in that field it introduced its new product line i-e 100% pure juices a brand named as FRESHER in 2009. The brand flourished in just one year through WORD OF MOUTH marketing strategy and gave a tough competition to other big brands like Nestle, Minute Maid etc. Al-Hilal is listed a listed company. Fresher was first introduced in 5 flavors that are Mango Guava Peach Strawberry Orange After fabulous success of these all flavors Fresher introduced a new flavor called FALSA. As Fresher gained success within period of only one year they introduced new brands in 2010 names BOOMER and COOLER. Boomer is a fizzy drink and has 3 flavors Orange Lemon Cola While Cooler has 4 flavors that are Apple Orange Pineapple Grapes The Fresher company is working hard day by and moving forward in the field of 100% pure juices. Mission: Their mission is to promote locally. Vision: Their vision is prosperity of Pakistan. ( Ref. 7) Understand How The Marketing Plan Supports Strategic Objective 2.1 Explain how the strategy of your organization Impacts Upon marketing planning: Strategy: Strategy is a long term actions/plans which are made by some organization to achieve their peculiar targets/goals. (Ref- 1) According to Michael Porter the strategy is all about the mixture of different activities which are differentiated from competitors to pronounce unique mix of value. To him its all about differentiating yourself from customers as well as competitors. (Ref-2) Without a strategy the organization is like a ship without a rudder, going around in circles Joel Ross Michael Kami Marketing strategy: A marketing strategy is a process or model to allow a company or organization to focus limited resources on the best opportunities to increase sales and thereby achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. (Ref-3) The set of objectives which an organization allocates to its marketing function in order to support the overall corporate strategy, together with the broad methods to achieve these objectives Chartered institutes of marketing The above two examples show that , marketing strategy is actually the strategy that support overall corporate and which a company has to use efficiently to market its products on best opportunities while converging the limited resources to achieve its goal. Marketing planning: Marketing planning is a logical sequence and a series of activities leading to the setting of marketing objectives and the formulation of plans for achieving them (Ref-4) Now we can interrelate all the above terms with the help of diagram below. Business Goals Market Strategy Marketing Mix Marketing Plan The above diagram shows that an organization has to set business goals which are actually the target of company or mission statement. The next level comes of marketing strategy which is esteemed rule that company has acquired to market their products. After establishing the market strategy company moves forward towards marketing mix in which it define the whole marketing mix i-e Product, Pricing, Place and Distribution. Afterwards the process of writing of marketing plans comes in which company has to describe the whole market activities which are used to acquire business goals. (Ref-3) 2.2 Impacts of strategy on marketing planning: Under this heading the strategies of organization will be discussed and the impacts of that strategies on the marketing of organization will be noticed. What effect that strategies will throw on organizations long run and short run will also be discussed. Here we are talking about Fresher marketing plans. As described earlier it is a Pakistani local company that is making 100% pure juices and this is one of the marketing strategy of Fresher that make it distinguishes from others. The company has many competitors in the same line of 100% pure juices i-e Nestle, Shezan, Minute Maid etc. But the Fresher is successful yet to maintain the no. 1 position in the brands of 100% pure juices. And also Fresher is successful to maintain its positioning against Nestle and other strong brands like Minute Maid. The benefit what Fresher will get due to this strategy is that competitors are not attaching it from all the sides. Only fresh juice companies are interested to attach its strategies. It has no concern with any other product line of competitors. Another strategy of Fresher is that they are using PET BOTTLES instead of juice boxes which made their product easy to use for the customers and the look of their brand product is totally different from others. They are also using SHRINK WRAPS for the packaging of their products. The one more thing that makes their product discriminate is tags hanged with the bottle of juice on which a little description of brand and ingredients are written. These tags make the look of the product more elegant and it again helps to make a strong positioning of the brand. The promotion strategy that Fresher following is WORD OF MOUTH. They are using any other strong promotion strategy which again differentiate the brand from others in market. But as they are not focusing the advertisement strategy now when they that much stabled in market, they can spoil their positioning as well. Fresher has strong distribution strategy which has been helping the brand to be strong so far i-e they used ROLL OUT strategy of distribution. They started the distribution of their product from their own city and then they spread it in other cities with the passage of time when they had grown enough in the market. The strategy has a benefit that other strong competitors like Nestle, Minute Maid etc didnt notice such small brand and didnt take action for that. In the meanwhile Fresher entered in the market and had got a strong market positioning. Fresher had got another benefit of this strategy that is they maintained their resources with it. They started distributing their product in their city only and when they have earned enough money they spread it over other cities of Pakistan as well. 2.3 Component parts of a marketing plan: Parts/Categories with which a marketing plan is made up of are called components of marketing plan. Here the heading will elaborate all of its parts one by one. Executive Summary: It is the first component of the marketing plan which explains the summary of the whole marketing plan for the quick review by the management of the company. Mostly three issues are mentioned in this part. The Challenge Challenge consists of a little elaboration of product for which marketing plan is made and the summary of goals such as sales figures and strategic goals.. Company Analysis Company analysis mostly consists of the answers to following questions What are goals of the company? To what thing it focuses more? What are the strengths of that company? From what culture it belongs? What are weaknesses of the company? And in what market shares it exists? etc. Competitor Analysis In competitors analysis a short report about competitors weaknesses, strengths, market position and market shares is presented. (Ref-5) Current marketing situation: Its a marketing audit which shows the current market situation of the company by comparing it with the past situation of its own and with the market situation of competitors. It presents data about the market, product, competition and distribution. SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis is basically the analysis in which strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats related to the product (to be marketed) are given to have a complete look on companys analysis. The firms internal environment presents strength and weaknesses while external provides opportunities and threats. Objective and issues: This heading defines the objectives of company in different areas such as market share, sales, profit etc. Also this category will deal with all the issues and problems that effect these objectives. Marketing strategy: In this category a marketing strategy or approach is recommended to achieve the particular objective. It is the main and important part of marketing strategy structure. The strategies will elaborate the marketing mix (product, price, distribution, promotion) as well. Action programs: In this step a report is given about details of marketing strategy. The report answers such questions like how will all plan start? Who will do it? What will be the cost of all plan? Etc. Controls: Indicates how the progress of the plan will be monitored. 2.4 Risks and advantages in the devised marketing plan: Risks: Fresher is having a big threat in the market due to its lack of advertisement strategy now when it has gain that much credibility. Other competitors in the market has built strong image through their advertisement promotion strategy. Now it is the time when Fresher might think of making a strong and highly attractive advertisement to throw behind all the competitors. Fresher is not having a properly educated team of employees and it dont have proper departments such as HR department, RD department, Marketing department etc. So the employees working in the competitors firm are more competent and they can make proper decision at proper time. Fresher has to work on it as well. It may form a proper team so that they can compete in the leading market. As Fresher employees are not that educated in their particular field, they have disagreement in the selection of strategies. This is the major risk for the Fresher in the market as it can lead to fall of the company. Advantages: Fresher has specialized workers only in the field of making juices. Their worker knows the formula and they are best trained workers in juice making as they have to make only one product line at one time and they concentrate fully on it while competitors of Fresher have more than one product line so their workers have less command on juice making. The earlier promotion strategy of Fresher (word of mouth strategy) is quite impressive as no competitor can concentrate on upcoming new brand in this way. It gave Fresher to expand rapidly in market. The different packaging of Fresher bottle made them different and they expand undoubtedly in the fresh juice market. The biggest advantage to Fresher was the introduction of 100% fresh juice first in the market which make them differentiate from the competitors and thus they expand rapidly. 2.5 SWOT analysis of Fresher Juices: The company is new in market and has no good setup so they have not worked on their SWOT analysis by themselves. I made its SWOT analysis by my own conclusions and analysis of the company. Here are some strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities for the company. Strengths: They have short brand name which a basic strength of Fresher. Brand name is thus easy to remember by customers so its demand in market increases. And it is also flourishing in middle and low class segmentation of customers (as the customers in such classes are mostly uneducated) just because of its short brand name and easy memorizing quality. Short brand name also creates word of mouth easily. The highest market share in the product line of 100% pure juices is gained by Fresher. It has best attractive packaging of its juice bottles so far that is a main strength and attraction of customers towards this brand. Its availability is much good as compared to other brands in the market. Weaknesses: The brand is new in the market so it is not financially strong as compared to competitors. It will take some time to become financially strong for which it has to strong its marketing. Advertisement is weak and now when the brand has earned much credibility its essential for it to make powerful advertisement to make it more strong and reliable as brand has less or near to no TVC recall. Positioning is the major weak point of the brand. They have to make it strong to further grow in the market. Opportunities: The brand has great opportunity to grow in cities other than Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Faisalabad and Multan as they have created much credibility in big cities of Pakistan. Also it has opportunity to GO GLOBAL. Customers outside Pakistan have more loyal behavior towards Pakistani products so there is a chance for this brand to grow globally. They can launch more brands as well which is again a great opportunity for the company to grow. Threats: Fresher has promoted its products only through word of mouth so its a great threat for it. Other competitors that are promoting their products through advertisement and other strategies of promotion can gain more repute. If a pre-established brand of outside the country launches its product here in Pakistan, there would be a great threat for Fresher as it is a new brand here. The strengths and weaknesses come from internal origin of organization while opportunities and threats come from external origin of organization. Helpful to achieving goals Harmful to achieving goals Strengths: Short brand name Highest market share Packaging strength Availability strength Weaknesses: Financially weak Weak advertisement Weak positioning Opportunities: Growth in small cities of Pak Go global Launch more brands Threats: Lack of promotion strategies Other brands Understand the construction of a marketing plan 3.1 Produce the marketing plan for your organization Executive summary: Challenges: The companys product is 100% pure juices and its target customers are mainly diet conscious people, children, upper class, upper middle class and middle class society. But it can also target to lower class customers easily as juice is a thing which a normal person use in everyday life. The product is already differentiated from others because it falls in 100% pure juice category. And Fresher was the first to start this category in Pakistan. Company analysis: The Fresher is a new company in 100% pure juices product line. The company has high market share due to its previous marketing strategies in which main one is word of mouth through which it was promoted and gained the high market share rank. The companys weaknesses are finance, weak advertisement and weak positioning. Here we are designing some strategies by which its growth rate can increase and it can maintain its market share. It can make its advertisement strong and so its positioning too. Competitors analysis: Freshers competitors are companies who make 100% pure juices like Nestle, Minute Maid etc. Now if we come to Nestle, the company has a big weakness that it is dealing with 100% pure juice as well as nectars on the same time which make their focus diverted to both lines in the same time. While its strength is, it has a strong brand positioning earned by other product lines first. Market share of Nestle is lower than that of Fresher but market position is strong enough. Current market situation: The current market situation of Fresher is going not that bad when we talk about its distribution in big cities. The Fresher has the highest market share in product line of 100% pure juices while all other competitors have left behind. The demand of Fresher is also increasing day by day due to its good taste and flavors. Its giving a tough competition to its competitors in the market. Competitors didnt notice it first because it used only word of mouth marketing strategy first and took benefit of this strategy to achieve its goals. But in promotion the other companies (competitors) are moving forward to it now as it is lacking its interest in promotions. The Fresher has best packaging as well. SWOT analysis: Strengths: Short brand name Highest market share Packaging strength Availability strength Weaknesses: Financially weak Weak advertisement Weak positioning Opportunities: Growth in small cities of Pak Go global Launch more brands Threats: Lack of promotion strategies Other brands Objectives and issues: The main objective of Fresher is to maintain its market share in the line of 100% pure juices. Then it also wants to expand its business in other cities as it is a good opportunity for it to grow more in the market. The increase of sales is required for the increase in profit. To make strength of positioning. Now the main issue is that the other companies in the same product line are also struggling hard to compete the market share of Freshers. The Fresher has to maintain its demand by which it can maintain its market share. The issue concerning the expansion of the brand in other cities is to face the other local brands in those cities. Marketing strategy: Fresher makes following marketing strategies to achieve its goals. Fresher has to focus on advertising strategies such as TVC, radio commercials, Print media ads etc. Ads can be made more attractive by using advertisement marketing strategies such as humor, fun, models or TV actors etc. The attractive the advertisement will be the more the customer will be attracted towards the product. They can use different distribution strategies to promote their brand more e.g they can distribute free samples in the areas where product is not known enough. They can fit stalls in main areas/markets of different cities for the promotion. As children are more attracted towards juices and pure juices are good for their health, they can conduct different activities for children to attract this group of consumers. Also the fresh juices are mostly used by diet conscious people so Fresher can also use the same strategy of activity conductance for these consumers as well. In this way they attract their most targeted customers. All these strategies can help to achieve goals of company. Attractive advertisement and free sample distribution can help to expand business in small cities and activity based strategy can help to increase sales. Hence all these type of strategies can be used to increase sales, increase in profit and to maintain the high market share. Action programs: Now it is turn to plan the actions. Fresher can appoint workers to fulfill these strategies. First of all Fresher has to maintain proper departments such as HRM department, RD department, Marketing department, Finance department and so on like this. Then Fresher has to assign them their duties. Human resources department will manage human resources which are one of the major sources Fresher needs. Marketing department will implement these strategies and will check the results. Finance department will assign finances to each department and make a check and balance on it. Plan can be started from distribution of the products as free samples. So that more and more people in other cities can know about the brand. It will increase sales and profit as well. Now this finance can be invested on advertisement and other strategies and so on. The cost of all the strategies will be planned by finance department and marketing department as these are marketing strategies. Controls: The system cant be effective and efficient until and unless it is supervised and controlled properly. So the control in implement of these strategies is also very important. Here marketing managers of Fresher will be the persons who look after all these things and implement strategies. 3.2 Risk in marketing plan and Mitigation strategies: Risks: Risks in above strategies are only few. As company is not financially strong as compared to its competitors so might it cant afford advertisement expenses. The other risk could be short term effect (which is never been required) of some strategies like activity based strategy etc. Mitigation strategies: If finances do not allow Fresher to make an attractive advertisement then Fresher can go for rank purchasing in commercial complexes like Hyperstar, Metro etc as it costs less than that of advertisement. The benefit of this strategy will be that the people of every targeted market of Fresher can gain knowledge about the product easily. It would be a long term effect of marketing strategy. Activity based strategy would be short term strategy so instead of this we can use another strategy in which Fresher can appoint some of its employees ( sales persons) to sale their product at low price or less profit by going door to door in different colonies of different cities. It could have a long term effect on consumers mind. 3.3 Importance of each component of the plan: First component is executive summary. The summary explain the whole summarize data of the plan in short form so that the reader or to which report is being presented can save his/her time and he/she can found what is written inside the report and whether the report is meaningful or not? The executive summary has a lot of importance in marketing plan as it contains companys challenges, companys analysis and competitors analysis. 2nd component of the plan is current market situation. It is necessary to provide so that a marketer or person who has to act upon the plan should know that at what level the company stands and what level they have to move to increase growth rate of the company. The third component of the plan is SWOT analysis. Mentioning it in the plan in necessary because it helps to analyze the strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats of the business with the help of which a person can make marketing strategies. The forth component of the plan is objectives and issues which explains all the goals and their related problems in plan. The fifth component of the plan is marketing strategies. This is the main step in the plan to which company has to work to achieve goals. The sixth step is action programs. The step is important as it tells that how to implement these strategies and who will implement them and what will be the cost of all strategies. The final step is of control. This is also one of the major step of the plan as it is necessary to tell how to control the whole strategic system and who will control it? Understand to Promote the Marketing Plan in Support of Strategic Objectives 4.1 How the plan supports strategic objective: Plans of Fresher and their support to objectives: Fresher is assigned following plans. Attractive advertisement The attractive advertisement of fresher can attract more and more customers towards the brand which will help to increase the sales. Increasing sales maximize profit and when company earns more profit it will be able to expand its business. The advertisement can help in building strong positioning as it contains slogan and jingles through which an image that is different from its competitors can build up. The better positioning will help to maintain market share. Streghthen positioning, profit maximization, expansion of business Distribution of free samples Again its the marketing strategy that will help to maximize sales when people around will try the samples and will be attracted. Maximize profit will lead expansion of business and strong market share. Activity based marketing Activity based marketing strategy can only help to achieve goals in targeted consumers market by increasing sales at that category of customers. Rank/Shelves booking This strategy can be useful for better positioning of brand as it creates a good image of the brand. The most visible shelves will be booked by Fresher, the more consumers will be attracted towards the brand. Personal sales Again this marketing strategy will increase Freshers sales and its demand and again the profit will be increased. Actually all the strategies are made up to maximize the profit first and then other effects accompany it. 4.2 Outline an approach to gain agreement of the marketing plan: Conclusion In this assignment we learned about strategic marketing, How marketing plans supports strategic objectives, How a marketing plan is constructed and How to promote the marketing plan in support of strategic objective? We chose Fresher, A Pakistani 100% pure juice company and looked upon its marketing strategies, what Fresher is using now and what should it use in future to promote itself more. Fresher is well known company of Pakistan whose marketing system is not that good while it needs a perfect marketing system now when it has gain that much credibility. Though marketing managers are working in the company but company is not showing enough results in this field due to which there are chances of their fall down in future. Fresher is using some excellent marketing strategies such as WORD OF MOUTH, ROLL OUT strategy, SHRINK WRAPS, PET BOTTELS, TAGS, 100% pure juices etc But we suggested some more marketing strategies to them by our own study and analysis. We made a marketing plan in which some marketing strategies were suggested such as ATTRACTIVE ADVERTISEMENT, ACTIVITY BASED PROMOTIONS, SHELVES BOOKING in markets, PERSONAL SALES and DISTRIBUTING FREE SAMPLES to increase its sales and profit. As Fresher has high market share so these strategies will help it to sustain the market share and to increase growth rate of it. At the last we made a marketing plan and saw that how these plans support objectives. We also discussed the SWOT analysis of the company which tell us that company less threats and less weaknesses and more strengths. We also discussed risks regarding strategies but they very low.